July Challenge Anyone?

Hey all, so i've been on this website for a while, but I've never participated. In the past few months I've found every excuse in the book to avoid getting back in shape. Well, i'm going on my third day of pilates, and I feel great. I want to keep up this momentum though, which is why I am proposing a challenge for someone, or even more to join.

For the month of July I will be partaking in one physical activity every single day. Whether it be pilates a few times a week, running, long walks or a hike. I will try to get outside and I will get stronger. That's my every day goal, what's would your every day goal be? It could be anything from a strong start to a slow start, either way, its a goal to do some fitness every single day.

So...Anyone wanna join me?

Oh! Also - has anyone tried Fitocracy?