Well Meaning Lunch Lady

ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
Bit of background: I work at as a guest English teacher in South Korea...this happened at lunch today..

So I walk into the lunch room today, and apparently its "foreign day" so the menu consists of spicy hotdog spaghetti, fried chicken salad with pineapple dressing, pickled onions, and honey garlic bread. I'm pretty stoked about that fried chicken salad...planning on passing on the spaghetti. AND THEN the well meaning lunch lady decides to intercept my lunch tray and starts PILING on EVERYthing.

When I say piling I mean family-of-five-at-the-buffet-one-plate-limit piling. She said something that I assume translates to "enjoy the food of your people" and sent me on my way under the weight of this tray-vesty. So I sit down prepared to "man-vs-food" it and realize that no other teachers saw that I wasn't the one who put the food in the tray. I had to eat in shame while everyone around me discussed American eating habits :/

Just thought I'd share my embarrassing story for funsies!


  • LandonRand
    LandonRand Posts: 166
    Probably not the menu you wanted to use to showcase our cuisine! :)