Am I missing something?!

Ok, so I have done this a couple of times before, and I have always (for unrelated reasons) fallen off the bandwagon.

But I am here, and I really want to make this weightloss happen. However, I also want to make sure that I am doing this correctly and actually eating everything that I need. There are so many loopholes / phrases (eating back exercise calories, eating more to lose, etc etc etc) that get tossed around on this site, and I don't know if I am actually eating the right things, or the right ratio of things, or whatever...

Would you all be willing to give me suggestions, either general ones or specific (my journal should be open!)
Also, this might be a dumb question but how do you not get hungry before bed if you eat dinner early, and what do you do to guess calories for unpackaged foods made by others (such as a stir fry?).



  • BreytonJay
    BreytonJay Posts: 86 Member
    feel free to check my diary, it's open
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206

    Best program to ever follow on MFP, in my opinion.

    In a nutshell, you eat less and move more. Simple. :)
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member

    Would you all be willing to give me suggestions, either general ones or specific (my journal should be open!)
    Also, this might be a dumb question but how do you not get hungry before bed if you eat dinner early, and what do you do to guess calories for unpackaged foods made by others (such as a stir fry?).

    Leave enough calories for a small snack before bed.

    Learn to love the recipe feature. When you cook a recipe you enter in all the ingredients, the # of servings - and bam it does all the math for you.

    I find it easiest to find fresh foods by using the plural form and adding raw after for example: Strawberries, raw
    If you're on a computer try and use the one without the asterisk

    Don't get all wrapped up in the macros, acronyms and whatnot - start by just logging your food and trying to hit your calorie goals. As you get more comfortable with that then you can start making things more complicated.

    Don't expect to be perfect. Some days you'll overeat, you'll undereat, you'll eat something crazy you can't even figure out how to log, you'll be sick or not able to log. Think global - one day doesn't equal every day. Let it go and move on.
  • SusanKKO
    SusanKKO Posts: 45 Member
    I felt the same way when I started. This isn't the most scientific advice, but has worked pretty well for me so far. I just try to stay within the total calorie goal for the day and try to eat healthy foods, but I'm not perfect as far as the macros, but it's hasn't been a huge problem. I just started incorporating exercise, so I'm hoping to see the weight loss pick-up. I've kind of been at a stand-still lately, but I know I could be doing a lot worse so I'm not too worried about it. Good luck!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,183 Member
    I agree with not overthinking the process. :)

    My diary is public. You are welcome to check it out. I am not perfect, but so far its working.
  • Expsy
    Expsy Posts: 3
    Hey there, so I read your post and I felt I could definitely help spread some advice and motivation. I have felt te same; lost and a bit overwhelmed by many information that are out there, when I order started my fitness goals I was 210 (march2012) now I'm 167lbs! Most of the weight loss was from feb2013- now.

    Diet: healthy carbs (quinoa, yams, brown rice, barley, oatmeal)
    Lean protein (chicken breast, ground turkey,eggs, lean beef)
    Healthy fats (avocado, coconut oil, almonds (any nuts really))
    Veggies&fruit: unlimited veggies, fruit just watch for high sugar content)

    Make sure that all your meals have a bit of everything, and yes I've heard of the 6 small meals a day and what not; but the truth is that eating small meals often actually produce insulin which actually makes you feel hungrier. So really just eat meals when you are hungry and only eat what you can fit in your day. I have 4 meals.

    Excersice: high interval training (cardio)
    And weight Lifting; some women fear the weights as I once did, thinking "I don't want to get bigger, I want to be smaller" the truth is that weights and adding muscle to your body actually burns more fat and calories than cardio alone. Lifting weights also helps by reshaping your body. I've lost 40lbs and my skin is not loose and muscles are noticable! has great workout plans for free as well as more articles regarding your concerns; check it out! When I starting weight training I followed Jamie Eatsons 12live fit training program and it works!

    I hope all this has helped; good luck on your journey and stay strong! Remember that in this journey you are suppose to enjoy it! And feel better everyday! Never think about the past and falling off the wagon; just get back in it because tomorrow is a new day!
  • FlatWet
    FlatWet Posts: 109 Member
    Thank you all so much.

    Somehow I didn't even know about the recipe feature, and the roadmap is really great, I am reading it now!