Any fellow geocachers out there??



  • Kandy4mel
    Kandy4mel Posts: 95 Member
    edited January 2016
    @robertw486 Yes it can. Might become a new hobby. I had heard other people going geocaching but never quite knew what it was until I looked into it. It can be addicting. I say that because I have gone out almost everyday since right after christmas. However, with this current freezing below zero weather coming I won't go out for awhile, but it definitely can keep you busy. Some caches are winter friendly as well.
  • EternalTruth
    EternalTruth Posts: 491 Member
    I love geocaching and have gotten back into it now that the winter weather is done in my area. I haven't been to one of the group events yet but will be going to one in June.
  • kevin3676
    kevin3676 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi I just started about a month ago!
  • Kandy4mel
    Kandy4mel Posts: 95 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi guys! Events are fun. @kevin3676 what do you think of geocaching so far? Once you get into it, it gets to be addicting.
  • kevin3676
    kevin3676 Posts: 40 Member
    I love it. I find myself hitting the app wherever I go. I also travel for work and will search then too
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    So yeah - I think I need to rant just a little:

    The geocachers are all over on the cycling and hiking trails in and near my community - especially when all the colleges and universities are in session. I have talked with a few of them and they explained the object of geocaching to me - sounds like fun. All that I have talked with have been super nice.

    But sometimes (begin rant) I encounter some geocachers that are oblivious of what is going on around them because of their laser focus on finding the next "item." I have seen them jump out of the brush and onto the trail with reckless abandon. When I am going 15+ mph on a fine-gravel trail specifically made for hiking/cycling - we will meet, most definitely, in an unpleasant and surprising fashion. It really *kittens* for both of us.

    Please keep right on public trails
    Stay off of private property unless you have permission first - this is a huge problem!
    Be aware of your surroundings
    Have fun

    I now drive to a much more remote location to cycle the trails and avoid the geocacher crowds - problem solved.