New to This Site

Between the holidays and the deaths of my mother and mother-in-law in the last 3 months, I am really struggling. Stress equals pounds for me. I used to use a similar website, but heard good things about this one so thought I'd give it a try. I've lost weight before, but never more than 10-20 pounds, and have now managed to gain lots of it back. I'm hoping this time will be different, but so far I haven't managed to figure out how to stop making bad decisions. I promised myself 2016 would be a good year for me, so here goes nothin' . . .


  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Good luck and I'm sorry for your losses.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Great. My sympathies on your losses, putting focus on constructive goals is a good way to channel your stress. I really recommend exercise--it will help your stress tolerance and your weigh loss. Endorphins from exercise will make you feel better and help motivate you further. Stay on these message boards for education and motivation--much of your success will depend on your ability to make educated choices. Use the MFP tools available--they really work.
  • markalicious1
    markalicious1 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey I am new and I'm looking for a mentor slash critic. I already have successfully loss 70 pounds before but i gained most of it back. I'm on a mission to loose 100 pounds fairly quickly with exercise and diet only. I'm posting my weight loss plan and progress as i go and i'm making youtube videos to help others. I'd like people to review the videos and give me tips on how to better the videos as well as help me and motivate me to loose weight and go through with my plan. please message me and add me as a friend if your interested. I'd prefer someone who has successfully lost alot of weight.