Can't stop bingeing at night



  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    After dinner I brush my teeth, use mouth wash, and then use a flouride rinse that says no eating or drinking for thirty minutes. That gives my stomach time to tell my brain its OK for the night. (My stomach is a slow talker that way.)
  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    Paint your nails. Can't touch anything for quite a while.
  • hollynurse803
    hollynurse803 Posts: 11 Member
    pyrowill wrote: »
    You could try not eating till midday or 1pm? That way you'll probably have the calories for it.

    unfortunately this will slow your metabolism right down...
  • MarkFraser142
    MarkFraser142 Posts: 10 Member
    As others have noted, you really need to plan for a night time snack.

    You are much better off eating 100 calories under maintenance than aiming for 300 calories under maintenance, getting hungry, binging and end up being 200 calories over.

  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,648 Member
    pyrowill wrote: »
    You could try not eating till midday or 1pm? That way you'll probably have the calories for it.

    unfortunately this will slow your metabolism right down...

  • reddeament
    reddeament Posts: 51 Member
    I also have a problem with over-eating in the evenings - I have found herbal teas have helped curb my appetite in the evening. I guess the water helps fill me up and the fact they have flavour makes me feel like I'm not depriving myself. My favourite is this herbal tea by Yogi tea called Nach dem Essen. Also I budget in a night-time snack of 100-200 calories.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    edited January 2016
    Save some calories for an after dinner snack. And maybe eating clean all day is what triggers you to go totally crazy at night. You can eat foods you like in moderation anytime.
  • iluv2jump221
    iluv2jump221 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the great advice!!! <3:)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Hi! So I have struggled with this mild binge-eating habit for about a year now, and every day I eat super clean and tell myself that I won't eat after dinner, but when the time after dinner comes, I always end up eating unnecessary food (whether it be healthy or dessert) and feel disgusting and bloated. I get to a point where I just eat everything in sight, especially peanut butter and ice cream. I wish i could throw it all out but my family eats it too! I have literally tried everything to get rid of this habit. I really need to lose at least 5lbs (i am 6ft tall, fairly muscular, and 160lbs) because I do prom dress modeling and Im an avid competitive equestrian so basically I need to be super lean. Ugh. :(

    How many net calories have you consumed through dinnertime?
  • mandykent111
    mandykent111 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi! So I have struggled with this mild binge-eating habit for about a year now, and every day I eat super clean and tell myself that I won't eat after dinner, but when the time after dinner comes, I always end up eating unnecessary food (whether it be healthy or dessert) and feel disgusting and bloated. I get to a point where I just eat everything in sight, especially peanut butter and ice cream. I wish i could throw it all out but my family eats it too! I have literally tried everything to get rid of this habit. I really need to lose at least 5lbs (i am 6ft tall, fairly muscular, and 160lbs) because I do prom dress modeling and Im an avid competitive equestrian so basically I need to be super lean. Ugh. :(

    I have the same problem - I think that we all do.

    You should check out Liporidex PM on amazon. I love all of their stuff. But this is my favorite bc its got no stimulants in and no melatonin either. I'm able to not think about food and get a great night sleep.

    Thanks me later :)
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    L_Master wrote: »
    Hi! So I have struggled with this mild binge-eating habit for about a year now, and every day I eat super clean and tell myself that I won't eat after dinner, but when the time after dinner comes, I always end up eating unnecessary food (whether it be healthy or dessert) and feel disgusting and bloated. I get to a point where I just eat everything in sight, especially peanut butter and ice cream. I wish i could throw it all out but my family eats it too! I have literally tried everything to get rid of this habit. I really need to lose at least 5lbs (i am 6ft tall, fairly muscular, and 160lbs) because I do prom dress modeling and Im an avid competitive equestrian so basically I need to be super lean. Ugh. :(

    This has, more or less, been my struggle. I'm just begun to get a handle on it over the last 6 months, and some things that have helped for me.

    1) Paying attention to hunger - What I mean by this is it's very easy, especially when you're used to binging on all kinds of sugar and fat, to start getting cravings. Often these cravings feel ALOT like you're hungry. What's worked for me to distinguish between the two is ask myself "Would I be totally cool with going down and eating a plateful of brocolli". If the answer is no, then I start to realize I'm not hungry, just craving.

    If the answer is yes, I say okay and go grab a glass of water and make myself a small, maybe 200kcal plate of good food and then wait 30 mins. Usually I don't have a problem after that, if I'm still crazy hungry I might eat another round

    2)Decoupling Food from Pleasure - I think a large portion of people that struggle with weight loss, especially binging, do so because they are emotional/boredom eaters. Quite possibly without knowing it. I've come to realize over the past year this really describes me, and I was pretty oblivious to it for a long time. Often at times where I didn't really have anything better to do, I'd find myself staring into the refrigerator holding the door looking for something to catch my eye. That's boredom eating, not hunger. Brocolli test works good there, and then I've made it my goal to try and replace that boredom eating with 15 minutes of being productive in some way.

    The other danger is emotional eating. Which ranges from eating extra junk food because you slayed a hard workout that day, to craving food as a result of a stressful day, to wanting to treat yourself because you accomplished something meaningful. For me personally this is a very dangerous mindset. Food = Reward/Comfort just doesn't mesh well with weight loss, and makes it really easy to find excuses to eat more.

    3)Chew, but don't swallow - I don't know if I'd call this a recommendation, but it worked for me. I would chew the junk food I wanted to eat to get the taste, then spit it out. Did it for about 2 cookies, then thought about it for a second and was thoroughly grossed out and all I could wonder is what, exactly, was I *kitten* doing? Helped me realize that I had a pretty bad mindset about food if I was willing to do that just to satisfy some cravings.

    Thanks so much for all the advice!! Its really helping me out! I will admit i have done the chew and not swallow thing...and its gross. But i will keep everyhting in mind thanks!

    Please please please don't do this. It is actually a symptom of an eating order.
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    I eat a loverly protein pancake with nut butter and herbal tea (within my calorie macro) and save a nice relaxing hobby for evening. I also get really early to exercise and am tired and go to bed earlier. That all helps too
  • iluv2jump221
    iluv2jump221 Posts: 38 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    L_Master wrote: »
    Hi! So I have struggled with this mild binge-eating habit for about a year now, and every day I eat super clean and tell myself that I won't eat after dinner, but when the time after dinner comes, I always end up eating unnecessary food (whether it be healthy or dessert) and feel disgusting and bloated. I get to a point where I just eat everything in sight, especially peanut butter and ice cream. I wish i could throw it all out but my family eats it too! I have literally tried everything to get rid of this habit. I really need to lose at least 5lbs (i am 6ft tall, fairly muscular, and 160lbs) because I do prom dress modeling and Im an avid competitive equestrian so basically I need to be super lean. Ugh. :(

    This has, more or less, been my struggle. I'm just begun to get a handle on it over the last 6 months, and some things that have helped for me.

    1) Paying attention to hunger - What I mean by this is it's very easy, especially when you're used to binging on all kinds of sugar and fat, to start getting cravings. Often these cravings feel ALOT like you're hungry. What's worked for me to distinguish between the two is ask myself "Would I be totally cool with going down and eating a plateful of brocolli". If the answer is no, then I start to realize I'm not hungry, just craving.

    If the answer is yes, I say okay and go grab a glass of water and make myself a small, maybe 200kcal plate of good food and then wait 30 mins. Usually I don't have a problem after that, if I'm still crazy hungry I might eat another round

    2)Decoupling Food from Pleasure - I think a large portion of people that struggle with weight loss, especially binging, do so because they are emotional/boredom eaters. Quite possibly without knowing it. I've come to realize over the past year this really describes me, and I was pretty oblivious to it for a long time. Often at times where I didn't really have anything better to do, I'd find myself staring into the refrigerator holding the door looking for something to catch my eye. That's boredom eating, not hunger. Brocolli test works good there, and then I've made it my goal to try and replace that boredom eating with 15 minutes of being productive in some way.

    The other danger is emotional eating. Which ranges from eating extra junk food because you slayed a hard workout that day, to craving food as a result of a stressful day, to wanting to treat yourself because you accomplished something meaningful. For me personally this is a very dangerous mindset. Food = Reward/Comfort just doesn't mesh well with weight loss, and makes it really easy to find excuses to eat more.

    3)Chew, but don't swallow - I don't know if I'd call this a recommendation, but it worked for me. I would chew the junk food I wanted to eat to get the taste, then spit it out. Did it for about 2 cookies, then thought about it for a second and was thoroughly grossed out and all I could wonder is what, exactly, was I *kitten* doing? Helped me realize that I had a pretty bad mindset about food if I was willing to do that just to satisfy some cravings.

    Thanks so much for all the advice!! Its really helping me out! I will admit i have done the chew and not swallow thing...and its gross. But i will keep everyhting in mind thanks!

    Please please please don't do this. It is actually a symptom of an eating order.

    If you mean the chewing and not swallowing, I havent done it in a while, it was like once or twice and thinking back, its disgusting. So i will never do it again. Aw thanks so much for caring! :)
  • iluv2jump221
    iluv2jump221 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi! So I have struggled with this mild binge-eating habit for about a year now, and every day I eat super clean and tell myself that I won't eat after dinner, but when the time after dinner comes, I always end up eating unnecessary food (whether it be healthy or dessert) and feel disgusting and bloated. I get to a point where I just eat everything in sight, especially peanut butter and ice cream. I wish i could throw it all out but my family eats it too! I have literally tried everything to get rid of this habit. I really need to lose at least 5lbs (i am 6ft tall, fairly muscular, and 160lbs) because I do prom dress modeling and Im an avid competitive equestrian so basically I need to be super lean. Ugh. :(

    I have the same problem - I think that we all do.

    You should check out Liporidex PM on amazon. I love all of their stuff. But this is my favorite bc its got no stimulants in and no melatonin either. I'm able to not think about food and get a great night sleep.

    Thanks me later :)

    I will look into it thanks!
  • iluv2jump221
    iluv2jump221 Posts: 38 Member
    Merrysix wrote: »
    I eat a loverly protein pancake with nut butter and herbal tea (within my calorie macro) and save a nice relaxing hobby for evening. I also get really early to exercise and am tired and go to bed earlier. That all helps too

    Sounds great! Ill try that sometime! Thanks!
  • Marianna93637
    Marianna93637 Posts: 230 Member
    Didn't read through all the posts, so I may be repeating things. I don't know if I call mine binge eating, but sometimes at night all willpower is gone and I want to eat. I find a way to explain why it's ok. Doesn't happen often, but very annoying because usually I'm pretty strict and can control myself.

    These are things that work for me:
    - eat less during the day so I do have 500 calories left for the evening
    - go for an additional walk during the day to earn more calories to eat
    - in the evening when I want to eat, I go for a brisk walk, incorporate some jogging. This gets me a couple of hundred calories and I often don't even want to eat afterwards, or not as much.
    - have salads made in advance, and just eat that
    - lots of water
    - if I'm eating it's protein, and not carbs. Protein will satisfy me, but eating carbs wants me to eat more.
  • iluv2jump221
    iluv2jump221 Posts: 38 Member
    Its so fustrating. I need to just try this advice. Im going to tomorrow night: brush my teeth right after dinner and just have water and tea the rest of the night while i study for midterms! Tomorrow is my day! Im afraid binging has become a habit (became one a long time ago) rather than like a psycological/emotional issue
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    edited January 2016
    pyrowill wrote: »
    You could try not eating till midday or 1pm? That way you'll probably have the calories for it.

    unfortunately this will slow your metabolism right down...

    Then mine must be a snail. I never eat before noon but I've still lost 35 pounds so....
  • lglowz
    lglowz Posts: 1 Member
    Assuming you are eating enough throughout the day, it's less about hunger and more about being bored and wanting to munch on something. Try brushing your teeth right after dinner. It helps reduce the urge to snack.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    @iluv2jump221 How many net calories do you consume through dinnertime?