
Just wanted to say hi! I've made some big decisions and have set some aggressive personal goals! Looking to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle... Want to drop 40+ lbs or at least that's my first goal! Good luck everyone in all your endeavours! If interested in providing any wisdom or comments, feel free. I've read a few places that I should get an accountabilitybuddy or something like that... Let's do it!


  • wesjack777
    wesjack777 Posts: 29 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend on here.
    Be accountable here by posting everyday. Not matter if you are over cals, post. Friends will like it and see it.
    Do it mate.
    I've done this for year or so and lost 90lbs so far.
    I got another 40 to go!

    Tis a new year... Let's smash it!
  • wmcaldwell17
    wmcaldwell17 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey! I have no idea how to add u on this app... New phone at Christmas...and apparently I need to spend sometime looking around this on my pc...

    If u can ad me to your friends list...lets do it!
  • cvdattoli
    cvdattoli Posts: 17 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good luck! Having accountability friends does help. I have to improve on logging in my food intake. Having friends on other social media has helped me too