Help with soda pop

Dch102801 Posts: 74 Member
Hey all, I have been struggling with quiting soda pop for about a year. I'll do great for a couple days then I will have one and fall back into the grove. I have tried to substitute the caffeine crave with other sources.
Does anyone have any suggestions?


  • j3nesis87
    j3nesis87 Posts: 18 Member
    What about soda water/tonic with a dash of lime cordial? You get the fizz and a nice taste with far fewer calories.

    As for caffiene, green tea has a very small amount of caffiene. Black coffee and black tea are also very low-cal and have caffiene in them.
  • urvaashi
    urvaashi Posts: 1 Member
    I have been struggling with the same issue. The way I deal with it is this- drink one can (sometimes two) of lemon lime seltzer every day. When I am at a get together or where there is plenty of diet coke (my addiction), I do drink a small glass but have realized that I don't enjoy it so much . The seltzer water gets me through my days.
  • Salamanda25
    Salamanda25 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm trying to quit soda as well. I went cold turkey two days ago. So far, other than the headache, I've done well. I don't have any in my house, so that helps, and I don't keep any change on me, so I can't hit up the vending machine at work! Whenever I get the urge for a soda, I drink some water, and I jump on the scale every morning. Just by cutting out the soda, I've dropped 3 lbs since Sunday. That makes me think its worth it to keep pushing through!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Seltzer water - the fizz of soda, without all the can add your own juice if you need flavor and slowly cut back the juice if you want to get completely off it.
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    I do flavored seltzer water. Turns out, the thing I like about soda was the fizz. lol I do my caffeine with green tea , black tea and coffee. I also found that I really like flavored tea. If I go out, I do get a soda, but I'm not really restricting soda. I'm trying to restrict alcohol...
  • Rdsgoal16
    Rdsgoal16 Posts: 302 Member
    never had a problem quitting pop, but you could do it in two stages, diet caffeine free coke was my drink when I did pop. Maybe start there, psychologically getting the fizz without caffeine and calories? Good luck!
  • xMinueTx
    xMinueTx Posts: 5 Member
    I started with Diet pops and then eventually weaned myself off those.. I still drink them occasionally but I don't crave them like I did regular pop.
  • DBL_IronDog
    DBL_IronDog Posts: 115 Member
    I drank it for years!! Then I realized after having heart surgery how bad it really was for me and it goes against everything fitness. The only way I found to quit, was going cold turkey. I switched to unsweetened tea when I was at a restaurant. I've noticed that the caffeine withdrawals were hardcore for me. And there was no happy middle ground as far as drinking less or just sometimes. It always led to going back to where I was. So for me it was all or nothing and it just took some willpower. Every time I went to have one, I told myself..... I am tired of being that person and needed to change.
  • jhouse16
    jhouse16 Posts: 2 Member
    I moved from pop to flavored seltzer water as well...just be careful as some ( WalMart brand in particular ) are loaded with things like aspertame,sucrose...etc....these are exactly the things I wanted to get rid of from my diet.

    I have had to try several different flavors and tend to like the citrus ones best ( I think they do the best of covering the fizzy water taste ) I also tend to open the bottle and let it go a little flat as seltzer water tends to be extra carbonated.

    lf you can tough out the caffeine headaches for a couple of days you won't miss it...I have reduced my caffeine to one cup of coffee in the morning , that will never go away I LOVE my coffee !!
  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    I used to drink a disgusting amount of soda. I found coffee to help with the caffeine (I was in a good position as I already liked black coffee) and applesauce to help with the sugar withdrawals.
  • stevew_68
    stevew_68 Posts: 126 Member
    I drink loads of diet coke. Probably way too much. I also probably drink far to much coffee as well
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I have one small soda each day. I look forward to it. I enjoy it. Just one.

    One-a-day makes an energy vitamin that contains a little caffeine if that may help with your withdrawals.
  • firephoenix8
    firephoenix8 Posts: 102 Member
    I can't speak to caffeine - something about my system makes the stuff not work on me, for good or ill. I have a completely emotional addiction to soda. The more stressed I am, the harder I crave it, to the point that on the busiest day of the year at about hour 12 of working I can't think about anything else.

    I've found that keeping hydrated really well helps. I think about soda before I think about water, so if I make an effort to drink enough water I don't have random impulses for soda. When I was cutting down I kept the little 7.5 oz cans in the cupboard at work, so if I was craving hard enough to drink one warm, I could, but only 7.5oz. (There are no machines here and no close options for buying at a store.) Previously I was drinking 2-4 20oz a day, so that was a huge step back. Now I keep unsweetened tea at work and home and just a few of the 7.5oz cans at home only. I drink a few a week and in happy with that. YMMV, of course.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    What is is that keeps dragging you back? Is it the sugar, the caffeine, or the fizz? You could try to replace it. Eat more fruit, drink a cup of coffee, or have seltzer water.
  • Dch102801
    Dch102801 Posts: 74 Member
    Sorry for late response, I wasn't getting notifications.
    Its the carbonation that I crave the most. I haven't heard of selter water before. Thanks for the advice
  • RnS2015
    RnS2015 Posts: 30 Member
    I have the same issue. I've quit several times, went through the headaches because of the withdraws but they always seem to creep back into my life! I've tried seltzers but couldn't stand the taste. Good luck though! :)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    How about diet soda?

    At home our latest treat is Perrier water. That's carbonated.
  • Gr84cstr
    Gr84cstr Posts: 61 Member
    I have not had a soda in over two years now. I have found the caffeine cravings go away after a few days, but drinking green tea or a cup of coffee in the morning can help with that if you must absolutely have your morning kick. By the way, tea delivers caffeine in a slower, more effective manner than coffee.

    I found it was not so much the flavor or caffeine of sodas that I missed, but the carbonation. To satisfy any cravings, I drank soda water and if I wanted some flavor I would add a little fruit juice to it. Overall, giving up soda is not that difficult if you have the proper motivation and support system.
  • CassidyScaglione
    CassidyScaglione Posts: 673 Member
    Zevia? I like the black cherry.
  • ginapless
    ginapless Posts: 68 Member
    Seltzer water with a squeeze of lemon juice is my favorite. :-)