8 weeks after stillbirth and 100lbs to lose.

I need some friends along my journey. I've already lost 36lbs but still have a long way to go. I would love friends on my journey with me


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi! So sorry for your loss. I would love to walk beside you on your journey and encourage you. Feel free to add me!
  • JeniferWilkinsonCrowder
    I too was where you are at, I wasn't full term though. It was a rough time in my life and I know what you are going through. Taking care of yourself physically and spiritually are the best things you can do right now. Feel free to add me if you want...Just want to let you know, after I lost my boy trying for another was super emotional and super hard because of the fear involved. I went ahead and chose to keep trying and now I have a beautiful boy and girl. Trust me, there will be healing for you too, and there is always hope for another child if or when you might choose. I recommend following Carly Marie, https://m.facebook.com/leilaniwomen/photos/a.782629601860432.1073741828.782367755219950/790971471026245/?type=3
  • Rissese
    Rissese Posts: 4 Member
    Sorry to hear about your loss. I am just starting, feel free to add me, the more we are the better and stronger we can get