Biggest Loser - Losers

MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
edited January 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
So I fire up the DVR last night to watch the first episode of the Biggest Loser. 2 HOURS long! I'm so sick of hearing about how pathetic these peoples lives are. What adversity they've over come. What challenges they've faced in their lives.

Ohh boo-hoo me, I got fat cause my dad died! Guess what, both my parents died, I didn't gain 300lbs. I had cancer and I ate too much. Guess what? I fought cancer and didn't get fat. My parents didn't really teach me good eating habits, and I didn't get obese. Ok, so I got a little fat, but not 350lbs fat.

These people are breaking down crying after 5 minutes on the treadmill. WTF did they think would happen on the show? They would make you lift some weights and eat a salad?

I had to fast forward through about 90 minutes worth of crying, counseling, and drama just to get to the good stuff of the show. Since when are personal trainers, trained psycho therapists? I would rather watch them in a group session talking about food addiction with a real Doctor, than hearing some super skinny, model chick talk to them about it. The NON-REALITY of this REALITY show is sickening.

After 16 seasons, it's jumped the shark. We all know it's fake. Come on, one guy lost 24lbs in a WEEK! A WEEK??? Really?? We all know they are starving these poor people. We all know it's not healthy one bit. We all know that more than 80% of the people on the show gain the weight back and then some.

I never see the trainers correcting form or helping them. Just yelling at them to move it and lift it! If they really want to help people, they should do this over a year like what Chris Powell does (and I've heard he's no angel/saint either).

A friend asked me how did you lose 3lbs over the holidays? My answer was, work out every day and eat sensibly. That, my fitness pals, is how you lose weight!

Go ahead, blast me for being insensitive, call me a bigot or jerk, I don't care. It's how I feel, but I'd love to hear your reactions!


  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    I say you're not insensitive, a jerk or a bigot. I say you're spot on.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    MikeInAZ wrote: »
    These people are breaking down crying after 5 minutes on the treadmill. WTF did they think would happen on the show? They would make you lift some weights and eat a salad?

    I had to fast forward through about 90 minutes worth of crying, counseling, and drama just to get to the good stuff of the show.

    Just want to say after reading a lot of stuff from former contestants, I'm pretty sure the producers work them HARD emotionally in order to MAKE them cry. They are trying to get the drama because they think it's good television. I used to watch and think "oh these whiny people." But after reading some behind-the-scenes stuff I now know there's probably some producer offstage repeatedly yelling about how they've let their dead parents down by becoming such a fat failure. And if they're away from home, severely calorie restricted, and working out most of the day, no wonder some emotional abuse can't get tears flowing.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    I'm puzzled why you would watch it at all. I have landed on it while channel surfing but never found it to be of any interest. I've never watched more than ten minutes at one time before it became repulsive.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I don't understand your rant. Why watch it then?
  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    I liked Biggest Loser when it was about the diet and exercise. I stopped watching when it became about the stupid sappy stories.
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    I saw the commercial for that show and the trainer was offering contestants $50k to quit and go home. I know it's TV and that's all just for show, but you would have to be a fool NOT to take the money and run! You could hire a nutritionist and trainer for a few months, get healthy the right way on your own time, plus go buy a brand new Jeep.
  • brr055
    brr055 Posts: 2 Member
    Loser. They're all looser by the end of the show. Oh wait...maybe that's what you meant! :smiley:
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Wait... You actually think it took 16 seasons to jump the shark?!?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Anyone who has ever been connected with a reality show will tell you they are very far from "reality". They take things out of context, force scenarios, etc.

    Personally, I think that particular show has done a lot of people a disservice. No one in "reality" can lose weight like that. They are working out for hours and hours each day and being starved while doing it. Plus they've not learned how to truly live to maintain it. I've never watched the show beyond a few snippets of episodes here and there and I don't plan to start any time soon.
  • stephyc2016
    stephyc2016 Posts: 46 Member
    I have read somewhere that the weight loss they show as being one week is actually two weeks combined and they have to act like it's one week. So really, that 12 pounds they lost that week is really 6 pounds over two weeks. *shrugs* I stopped watching after a couple seasons because they got too whiney and the trainers started promoting diet pills instead of overall good healthly values.

    But, some people really enjoy reality TV and will watch it. I know some of you ask why watch it then? It was the first episode and MikeInAZ was curious what the season would be like. She just had a breaking point and wanted to vent and share her opinion of the show and what it has come to.
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    I don't understand your rant. Why watch it then?

    Well, I think I'm gonna kill the timer on my DVR and stop. I kind of came to this realization watching it last night.
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    Wait... You actually think it took 16 seasons to jump the shark?!?

    Lol, no it jumped awhile ago!
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    brr055 wrote: »
    Loser. They're all looser by the end of the show. Oh wait...maybe that's what you meant! :smiley:

    Damned auto correct! Ugghh, Internet 1 - Mike 0
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I only watched the show once, and I hated it. For what it's worth my personal trainer has a bachelors in psychology, and is working towards his masters. It has been helpful to me to have him as support, and we talk about the psychology of wellness, motivation, etc. I don't know anything about the trainers on the show you are watching.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    It's not fake. They're not showing what contestants really go through to win. An Australian host actually released a video breaking her non-disclosure of what goes on behind the scenes.

    I used to watch the show while doing cardio because I felt if someone 200+ lbs could push it harder than me.. I was being a little bich.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    I'm not familiar with this program. Is it a contest to see who can be the biggest slut?
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,736 Member
    MikeInAZ wrote: »
    brr055 wrote: »
    Loser. They're all looser by the end of the show. Oh wait...maybe that's what you meant! :smiley:

    Damned auto correct! Ugghh, Internet 1 - Mike 0

    I'm on board with your rant and the show is a complete drama-fest for ratings, but the "looser" in your title is killing me! Silly auto correct. That's why I very rarely use my phone for this site.
  • magicsd
    magicsd Posts: 99 Member
    Well said! It really gives unrealistic views on weight loss. I really wish they would film over the course of a year. Also, the end shot where they hold up their old pants etc, any pair of pants or shorts you hold up like that will naturally look larger than your body.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    MikeInAZ wrote: »
    So I fire up the DVR last night to watch the first episode of the Biggest Looser. 2 HOURS long! I'm so sick of hearing about how pathetic these peoples lives are. What adversity they've over come. What challenges they've faced in their lives.

    Ohh boo-hoo me, I got fat cause my dad died! Guess what, both my parents died, I didn't gain 300lbs. I had cancer and I ate too much. Guess what? I fought cancer and didn't get fat. My parents didn't really teach me good eating habits, and I didn't get obese. Ok, so I got a little fat, but not 350lbs fat.

    These people are breaking down crying after 5 minutes on the treadmill. WTF did they think would happen on the show? They would make you lift some weights and eat a salad?

    I had to fast forward through about 90 minutes worth of crying, counseling, and drama just to get to the good stuff of the show. Since when are personal trainers, trained psycho therapists? I would rather watch them in a group session talking about food addiction with a real Doctor, than hearing some super skinny, model chick talk to them about it. The NON-REALITY of this REALITY show is sickening.

    After 16 seasons, it's jumped the shark. We all know it's fake. Come on, one guy lost 24lbs in a WEEK! A WEEK??? Really?? We all know they are starving these poor people. We all know it's not healthy one bit. We all know that more than 80% of the people on the show gain the weight back and then some.

    I never see the trainers correcting form or helping them. Just yelling at them to move it and lift it! If they really want to help people, they should do this over a year like what Chris Powell does (and I've heard he's no angel/saint either).

    A friend asked me how did you lose 3lbs over the holidays? My answer was, work out every day and eat sensibly. That, my fitness pals, is how you lose weight!

    Go ahead, blast me for being insensitive, call me a bigot or jerk, I don't care. It's how I feel, but I'd love to hear your reactions!

    I love the sadistic trainers in the first workout. This is not new to season 16, or 15, or 14...