Any tips general chit chat

I'm new to this any tips and general talk


  • sisu89
    sisu89 Posts: 38 Member
    My strategy is always log everything and log heavy! I'm not great with measuring so I always overestimate rather than underestimate my food intake.

    Also, my first week-ish of logging I eat normally. I don't really *try* to do this, but it's a good way to make yourself aware of how much you've actually been eating. It also helps motivate me to see bigger deficits at the end of each week.

    I find it a lot easier to go by a weekly goal rather than a daily goal. I tend to eat more on the weekends, so I allow myself to go over my limit, knowing the past week I've had enough days below my goal to make up for it. But you have to be careful not to continue the overages!
  • kimbibby89
    kimbibby89 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes I would completely agree with you I also eat more on the weekends. I'm just trying to make friends on here to see other recipes and ideas and just get support. I know what sensible and what isn't as we all pretty much do! Mine is more about having the motivation to exercise! I'll blame it on the weather but are used to go running a lot but now because of the weather I go to the gym but I don't drive and the bus takes an hour! So sometimes I just do exercising at home . What about you?
  • GsKiki
    GsKiki Posts: 392 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
    Tips for eating: everything in moderation, and weigh and log everything! It will really help you keep track of your calories. I agree with sisu89 if you're not sure about calories it's always better to overestimate.

    As far as exercising goes, I sometimes find it hard to start as well, but I know I always feel so much better when I'm done. If you can't go to gym, or for a run outside you can also do some exercises at home. There is a bunch of videos on youtube that you can look for some inspiration. I like to put my exercise plan for the week in my planner or write it on a piece of paper, so it's kind of "set in stone". It pushes me to actually do it and not find excuses.
    Feel free to add me :) Good luck!