Looking for some similar friends - 100+ to lose



  • fletchleg13
    fletchleg13 Posts: 23 Member
    Hiya, I'm from the UK and looking to lose around 100lbs. Started at 341 lbs last week so I'm in this for the long haul. Feel free to add me anyone and we can motivate each other
  • mackaylc
    mackaylc Posts: 22 Member
    Please add me as a friend! I am from NS and have about 100 pounds to lose.
  • MyWeigh94
    MyWeigh94 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm from the USA, in Iowa. I want to lose 140 -150 pounds. I currently weigh 295. I would love to have friends on here I can actually interact with!
  • MyWeigh94
    MyWeigh94 Posts: 28 Member
    Aldo I'm a female and I'm 21.
  • disneygirl626
    disneygirl626 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm in California and have quite a bit to lose. Also in it for the long haul. Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • mallyboo3533
    mallyboo3533 Posts: 41 Member
    100+ pounds to lose! Anyone can add me! I'm from Saskatchewan
  • gfjay
    gfjay Posts: 14 Member
    Do I count if I have 300+ to lose? :) Been at it for about 6 weeks now, down about 35 pounds. Limiting to 2k cal/day. Doing so under the direction of my doctor and dietitian. Meet with the dietitian weekly.

    Been an interesting and fun few months!
  • jean9had
    jean9had Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Jeannine, I'm from UT in the US. I started out with about 120 to lose in 2012. I have lost 75 so far and am at a plateau. I haven't lost any for nearly a year. I have managed to maintain my previous loss, but want to move past this plateau and lose the rest of my excess weight. I am a female and 65 years old.
  • kmratliff
    kmratliff Posts: 16 Member
    Please add me.
  • albania1
    albania1 Posts: 4 Member
    I am from Huntington Beach CA and I need to loose weight 90-100 lbs! I started this weight loss journey today and I would love to do it with you ladies!!! Please add me! I don't know how to add people. Thank you and God bless this journey we are on!!!
  • jeanp180
    jeanp180 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Jean and I'm 42 and need to loose @ least 50 pounds. My weight is effecting my health and I wanna turn the tide before my life is cut short cause of my weight
  • jeanp180
    jeanp180 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't know anything about adding people or editing the posts.
  • KatalinaRoss
    KatalinaRoss Posts: 6 Member
    UK here. 100 lb to loose. Feel free to add x