What workouts can I do?

This is my 3rd day know with very sore muscles. I don't know if it's DOMS or muscle contusion or just because I'm weak


  • Shesaleo18
    Shesaleo18 Posts: 126 Member
    Anyway the front of my thighs are stiff as. It's hurts to walk, stretch. My right shoulder and tricep is the same. It hurts to stretch it straight out to the side and even do arm circles.
    I really want to workout so what can I do? I have an elliptical machine???
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    if you're new to fitness, you should probably ease into things...personally, i'd just go for a walk.
  • Shesaleo18
    Shesaleo18 Posts: 126 Member
    Not new to workouts. Iv been doing PT once a week for about 2 years and then I I usually do my own workouts during the week. I'm not the fittest person but I like to workout.
  • sm0113
    sm0113 Posts: 89 Member
    I'd suggest stretching and walking if you're in that much pain.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Day 2 is usually the worst (for me). Take a day off, maybe some yoga or stretching as suggested, or low impact like a casual swim or bike? Don't over do it, you will hate how you feel and quit.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Sounds like you did too much. Ask your PT what to do. They know your situation better than we do.
  • Shesaleo18
    Shesaleo18 Posts: 126 Member
    Yeah she told me to just keep moving. But then told me I had this week to lose the 400gm I put on over the holidays. Which probably wouldn't be hard to do if I could move properly
  • crystale79
    crystale79 Posts: 7 Member
    I've been there...repeatedly. Lol. Try warming up your muscles really good right before working out again. I usually run in place for about a minute then alternate in some Jumping Jacks. I think that it's usually about 5 minutes or alternating between the 2 and then the soreness is gone and I'm ready for the next workout. Good luck.