


  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    Short-term, exercise.
    Long-term, build muscle.

    Not going to keep that muscle long term without exercise though.
  • XXL_Bear
    XXL_Bear Posts: 3 Member
    HIIT Training (high intensity training) will boost the metabolic rate for 3-4 days after it has been done, giving you that window to fine tune diet and exercise.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Some of you are really getting on my nerves. When I say "boost" I mean how to get it more "normal". I don't mean "Hey! How do I magically loose 10 pounds by working out one time?" and when I say my metabolism is as slow as someone twice my age, I mean it's really freaking weird. I have a medical condition called EDS and it is not practiced by regular doctors. You have to see a geneticist to get any answers. And to see one there is a year and a half wait! So you tell me, should I wait that long or ask other people who are trying to loose weight too. You people really need to think more before commenting on things, especially if you're just going to try to be a smart A. But thank you to everyone giving me real advice.

    Somebody gave you a diagnosis. Go back to this dr and ask if it also affects your weight, and if yes, how to deal with it. Asking strangers and looking for magical cures, it is definitely not the answer.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    CaptainJoy wrote: »
    You can boost your metabolism and lose weight by eating small amounts of food more often. Adding more exercise and movement to your daily routine helps but how much and how often you eat is really important. If you eat 200 calories six times each day, your metabolism increases because your body is constantly digesting food. The digestion process requires energy which means more calories are burned the more often you eat. I don't have evidence of this, it's just something I know.

    This is an entirely incorrect, false, untrue myth.

    Digestion =/= metabolism. Whether or not your digestive system is currently engaged in breaking down food, your metabolism is running to keep you alive. It does not kick up when digesting food.
    Also, whether you eat a pound of food all at once or in six smaller portions, at the end of the day you've burned the calories it takes to digest a pound of food. It nets the same.

    The reason you have no evidence of this is because it. is. a. myth.
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    edited January 2016
    senecarr wrote: »
    OP, I can understand that you might have limitations on your physical activity with a condition like EDS, but am not familiar with how a connective tissue disorder would otherwise affect your overall metabolic rate.

    With that being said, you should have normal sedentary metabolism for someone your age unless you have some other underlying complication you haven't stated.

    If you are looking to lose weight, entering your stats and putting yourself as sedentary should give you a caloric goal to work with.

    Reading briefly about it, I kind of wonder if there was a misunderstanding in that a doctor told her it was a metabolic disorder, referring to the normal metabolic pathways for creating connective tissue is altered.

    EDS is a condition that effects every part of your body including digestion and physical activity. You won't find much online because like I have said, it's not very highly studied and you have to go to a geneticist to get more information. You won't find it on Wikipedia, or any other website. With my EDS comes other problems like fibromyalgia, acid reflux, ibs, asthma, and it also effects my brain. So before any of you start thinking your an expert why don't you actually talk to one first.

    What are you trying to accomplish, here? EDS is not that arcane, and people have given you a number of really good pieces of information and advice, including that you find another doctor who doesn't tell you to wait 18 months to see a geneticist. You most certainly can find information about it online, and I would not be surprised if you could even find other people who have it here on MFP. Are you still looking for support or information or advice? Or is this just acting out? Because every time someone has tried to help you on this thread you have attacked them.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    XXL_Bear wrote: »
    HIIT Training (high intensity training) will boost the metabolic rate for 3-4 days after it has been done, giving you that window to fine tune diet and exercise.

    At best, that is highly exaggerated. EPOC or afterburn has been overstated for quite some time.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    CaptainJoy wrote: »
    You can boost your metabolism and lose weight by eating small amounts of food more often. Adding more exercise and movement to your daily routine helps but how much and how often you eat is really important. If you eat 200 calories six times each day, your metabolism increases because your body is constantly digesting food. The digestion process requires energy which means more calories are burned the more often you eat. I don't have evidence of this, it's just something I know.

    Science says this is not correct.

  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    XXL_Bear wrote: »
    HIIT Training (high intensity training) will boost the metabolic rate for 3-4 days after it has been done, giving you that window to fine tune diet and exercise.

    3-4 days?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!???
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    XXL_Bear wrote: »
    HIIT Training (high intensity training) will boost the metabolic rate for 3-4 days after it has been done, giving you that window to fine tune diet and exercise.

    Citation? And to what extent?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    XXL_Bear wrote: »
    HIIT Training (high intensity training) will boost the metabolic rate for 3-4 days after it has been done, giving you that window to fine tune diet and exercise.

    Citation? And to what extent?

    My citation about would suggest otherwise. At best, post exercise consumption would account for 6-15% of calories burned. So if a person would burn 300 calories from exercise, at best 45 calories would be added on top.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    XXL_Bear wrote: »
    HIIT Training (high intensity training) will boost the metabolic rate for 3-4 days after it has been done, giving you that window to fine tune diet and exercise.

    Citation? And to what extent?

    My citation about would suggest otherwise. At best, post exercise consumption would account for 6-15% of calories burned. So if a person would burn 300 calories from exercise, at best 45 calories would be added on top.

    Thanks! I didn't see that until after I responded (my bad for not reading to the end)
  • pzarnosky
    pzarnosky Posts: 256 Member
    pzarnosky wrote: »
    Maybe you should get a better doctor.. EDS is a well known disorder that affects a lot of people. Six types have been identified and treatment to manage the symptoms are widely available. It is a connective tissue disorder which in some can cause problems in the digestive system with symptoms similar to IBS. This is not a metabolic disorder, it does not effect the pituitary or thyroid. Maybe there could be some issues with absorbtion of nutrients, but I don't see any mechanism that will change your metabolism. It sucks that you have to deal with having the condition, but those are the cards you were dealt. Everyone has things that make life a struggle and make it hard to diet. You have the knowledge of the world at your fingertips, I suggest instead of looking for answers on a forum, you start reading scholarly articles and truly researching your condition to find out what has been shown to help people like you. Or, join a forum for people with EDS that will understand your struggles better. If you've had the genetic test, then you should know which of the 6 types of EDS you have.

    As this is a connective tissue disorder, some forms of exercise are probably not going to be an option for you as they will have a higher probability of joint and bone damage. Your disorder doesn't have to define you though, if you want to lose weight, you can. Don't assume it's easy for anyone to lose weight. The first few weeks are so incredibly difficult. After you start seeing results though, it gets easier. You may have to play around with your calories. Try something for 2 weeks, if it hasn't worked at all, then try something else. You have to be honest with yourself though. You can lie to MFP about what you eat all you want, but you can't lie to your body... i learned that one the hard way. Regardless of a condition, it is CICO. Find what a deficit is for you and stay at it, weight will come off. It's really about acceptance. Accepting you have a condition that makes some things difficult. Accepting that weightloss is not a temporary change, it is a permanent change if you want to stay at your goal weight. Take it slow, find something manageable and don't fall for fads. Changing your diet may help some of the symptoms you have. I know when I started eating more whole foods, a lot of my digestive discomfort I'd always struggled with got better.

    I know which type I have I'm not stupid. Read my other comment, especially the last sentence

    The one where you said it's not well studied? The one where you said it's not even on Wikipedia?
    You are so incredibly wrong it's almost offensive. There's are a lot of resources out there and a ton of websites for EDS... there is an EDS specific website.
    You're playing a victim and getting butt hurt when people tell you that you have to work for your weight loss and that it is not EDS that has caused your weight to be what it is. If you know what type you are then you've been to a geneticist. Time to be an adult and do some research on your own and learn how to manage it. That is not anybody else's job. You're throwing a tantrum and discrediting what everyone is saying because you don't like it.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Metabolisms do slow down. They don't stop but they slow down. That is why it is harder for older people to loose weight. I'm 18 but have a medical issue that slows it down like someone twice my age.

    Not exactly. Older people find it harder to lose weight because they tend to lose muscle mass and to be less active.

    Here's an abstract from a paper on the subject:

    Age is one of the most important factor of changes in energy metabolism. The basal metabolic rate decreases almost linearly with age. Skeletal musculature is a fundamental organ that consumes the largest part of energy in the normal human body. The total volume of skeletal muscle can be estimated by 24-hours creatinine excretion. The volume of skeletal musculature decreases and the percentage of fat tissue increases with age. It is shown that the decrease in muscle mass relative to total body may be wholly responsible for the age-related decreases in basal metabolic rate. Energy consumption by physical activity also decreases with atrophic changes of skeletal muscle. Thus, energy requirement in the elderly decreases. With decrease of energy intake, intake of essential nutrients also decreases. If energy intake, on the other hand, exceeds individual energy needs, fat accumulates in the body. Body fat tends to accumulate in the abdomen in the elderly. Fat tissue in the abdominal cavity is connected directly with the liver through portal vein. Accumulation of abdominal fat causes disturbance in glucose and lipid metabolism. It is shown that glucose tolerance decreases with age. Although age contributes independently to the deterioration in glucose tolerance, the decrease in glucose tolerance may be partly prevented through changes of life-style variables, energy metabolism is essential for the physiological functions. It may also be possible to delay the aging process of various physiological functions by change of dietary habits, stopping smoking, and physical activity.

    Which makes perfect sense as it wouldn't make sense for older people to be more efficient machines simply as a result of their age.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Metabolisms do slow down. They don't stop but they slow down. That is why it is harder for older people to loose weight. I'm 18 but have a medical issue that slows it down like someone twice my age.

    So you have the metabolism of a 36-year-old? Okay. I'm 36 and I lost 40 pounds in the last year by meeting the calorie goals suggested by MFP. No boosts or special tricks necessary.

    OK, you doubled her age, I'll triple it. I turn 54 this year and have lost 20 pounds in the last 5 months (purposely going for gradual loss) doing nothing more than a caloric deficit and exercise. No snake oil "metabolism boosters" (which don't work, incidentally) or any such voodoo.

    To be clear, certain "metabolism boosters" have proven to be slightly effective...and every single one of them with significantly serious side effects as a result. Overriding by medication something as basic as metabolism to a measurable degree is a very VERY dangerous endeavor.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Ohwhynot wrote: »
    Does it affect your attitude as well? Sorry for the snark, but jeez. There are people trying to help you with a vague set of issues and you're not being very receptive to their info. If you need an expert to tell you what to do, then you need to be patient and see an expert.

    Yup. Meanwhile, eat less and move more.

  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    edited January 2016
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Metabolisms do slow down. They don't stop but they slow down. That is why it is harder for older people to loose weight. I'm 18 but have a medical issue that slows it down like someone twice my age.

    So you have the metabolism of a 36-year-old? Okay. I'm 36 and I lost 40 pounds in the last year by meeting the calorie goals suggested by MFP. No boosts or special tricks necessary.

    OK, you doubled her age, I'll triple it. I turn 54 this year and have lost 20 pounds in the last 5 months (purposely going for gradual loss) doing nothing more than a caloric deficit and exercise. No snake oil "metabolism boosters" (which don't work, incidentally) or any such voodoo.

    To be clear, certain "metabolism boosters" have proven to be slightly effective...and every single one of them with significantly serious side effects as a result. Overriding by medication something as basic as metabolism to a measurable degree is a very VERY dangerous endeavor.

    I can think of one in particular which has been proven to be very effective (it's an illegal/black market medicine, at least in the U.S.). But the side effects (when it's overdosed, as it is by many dieters with the "more is better!!!1!" mentality) consist of your body basically cooking itself from the inside as a result of the metabolism becoming so elevated.

    The garbage "supplements" you can legally buy over the counter certainly don't live up to their dramatic advertising hype. You could down 4 or 5 cups of coffee and get as much/more of a boost.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I found eating more meals (5) more frequent (every 3 hours and 30 min after waking. I did carb and calorie cycling as well it helped boost my very slow ( medical reasons ) metabolism. It says that it like keeping the fire in the furnace going. And exercise as well.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I found eating more meals (5) more frequent (every 3 hours and 30 min after waking. I did carb and calorie cycling as well it helped boost my very slow ( medical reasons ) metabolism. It says that it like keeping the fire in the furnace going. And exercise as well.

    Sorry nope ..that did not affect your "metabolism"

    It might have helped you stick to your calorie defecit though
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Some of you are really getting on my nerves. When I say "boost" I mean how to get it more "normal". I don't mean "Hey! How do I magically loose 10 pounds by working out one time?" and when I say my metabolism is as slow as someone twice my age, I mean it's really freaking weird. I have a medical condition called EDS and it is not practiced by regular doctors. You have to see a geneticist to get any answers. And to see one there is a year and a half wait! So you tell me, should I wait that long or ask other people who are trying to loose weight too. You people really need to think more before commenting on things, especially if you're just going to try to be a smart A. But thank you to everyone giving me real advice.

    Things that should have been included in the original post. Just saying.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Ohwhynot wrote: »
    Does it affect your attitude as well? Sorry for the snark, but jeez. There are people trying to help you with a vague set of issues and you're not being very receptive to their info. If you need an expert to tell you what to do, then you need to be patient and see an expert.
