Breastfeeding mommas



  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    This is an excellent thread!! I'm bf but have started some formula as well. I'm thinking I need to wean as bubs is almost 10months and I just can't control my cravings. Is it the breast feeding that is making me crave junk food. Or maybe it's the lack of sleep ?? I'm too tired to even think about exercise. I have a preschooler as well as a baby. Seriously need motivation or tips from other mums !!
  • SeraFee
    SeraFee Posts: 52 Member
    I have a 3 month old boy that is EBF just starting to get back into working out. I gained about 30lbs during pregnancy and still have 20 to lose to get back to prepregnancy weight and then another 30 to get to a healthy weight. So any support is appreciated. Feel free to add me.
  • FitLifeAdventures
    Breastfed my 1st son for 13 months and lost weight no problem. My second son is 14 months old and probably won't wean completely til probably 2. I have been having the hardest time losing weight. I was 253.5 when I went into labor and am now 195.6. I'm hoping to get down below 160 by June though. One thing I find challenging is I always feel hungry despite how much healthy foods I eat. I am also a vegetarian so I work hard trying to keep nutrition solid (i.e. protein, health carbs, fiber). It doeant help im a full time student woth a part time internship! Free to add me as a friend and we can figure this out together! P.s. I also have a fit bit that I use to help me with the motivation to be more active and I find it helps a bunch!
  • Watch_Me_Shine416
    Watch_Me_Shine416 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm breastfeeding my 9 month old right now and the weight is definitely harder to lose. I was able to lose 49 lbs pre pregnancy and it's a lot harder for me this time around. I'm more concerned with my daughter getting enough milk than my weight right now though. Slow and steady is working for us until she's ready to wean. Feel free to add me!