Happy New Year

It's that time of the year again when we look back at the past year and tend to be critical and harsh on ourselves by focusing on what we didn't get accomplished. I am guilty of having done that in the past myself but this year I've had a new attitude about it. I'm taking time to look back at my success I've had this last year. Since March 4th I have lost 80 pounds and I haven't given up. That's a big deal for me because I always give up either due to some self loathing binge or an injury or whatever dump reason I come up with. I haven't given up yet and have no interest or intention of doing so. I have done so much soul searching over the last year along with the help of my therapist and have managed to keep my food addiction issues at bay. I have slipped up here and there and by gollie I decided to enjoy food and probably over indulge at times but I'm still plugging away at the goal. This next year I want to push myself more. I want to get more focused on the fitness side of things. I want to do 5k races this summer. I want to buy a bike and ride it to work. I want to see 100 pounds lost and lose another 100 pounds this year. I have always been so big that I've been terrified of the embarrassment and concern of being utterly uncomfortable that I have never in my 30 years of life been on a plane. Well this year I have a ticket in hand to visit my sister in Seattle...by PLANE!!! I'm still large but I'm not 400+ pounds anymore and by this summer I might not even be 300+ pounds anymore. I'm super excited and super nervous but I know it will be amazing. I hope you all are had great success last year and looking forward to another year of being awesome! Friend me if you want some new friends. :)