trying to overcome disordered eating

im a 22 female and ive had my share of eating disordered behaviour over the past few years,
ive been bigger and alot smaller and im now 11 stone 10, heavier than is comfortable.

im very apprehensive about the calorie counting thing, ive never been able to stick to anything or maintain a stable weight-
i get easily obsessive over weight and numbers and especially food... i know everyone has their issues but i guess im looking for some advice and support.

i am 22 and ive had one relationship which wasnt anything special, so im hoping losing some weight can give me the confidence i need to pursue a man!

any comments or stories of your own successes would be really appreciated, and if you want to add me im going to be on here to support and chat.

i have 1 stone and 10 pounds to lose, to get to ten stone.

thanks for reading.


  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    Yoga has really helped with my eating disorder. I noticed that when I do cardio, I become more obsessive with the calorie burn. But when I lift weights or do yoga, I don't worry about the calorie burn, and I stick with it longer, so then I'm actually seeing improvements instead of sweating out 3 hours doing cardio, burning myself out, and slacking off for a few months.
  • slowandsteady44
    slowandsteady44 Posts: 29 Member
    thanks for replying. yeah i dont go to the gym alot because it becomes about cals and isnt enjoyable. im happy you found something that worked for you, ill give yoga a go myself. im sure it would be good for stress aswell, since you do breathing techniques presumably.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    The best advice I can give is work on your body image issues. Your weight shouldn't determine your confidence, or if you feel attractive, or make you feel like you're worthy or not of a relationship with another person. learn to love yourself as you are (but know that changing is fine), and love who you are regardless of your size.

    I personally found lifting weights and flexible dieting helped me a lot - I now eat to fuel my training (That I enjoy) and my growth rather than punishing myself with exercise and being scared of food (both amounts of food and sources). I count macros to suit my goals...if I didn't, i'd likely not eat enough. I used to be paranoid about gaining weight and not being lean, whilst being obsessively clean in my diet - counting macros may be slightly obsessive, but it's a huge change from where I was!