Not all salads are equal!/food prep recipes?

UGHhhhhhh! Just ranting here! I blew my calories today with the IHOP Cobb salad with grilled chicken. Over 1,100 calories! Feeling discouraged.. This is why I don't like to eat out much. I should've checked nutrition before going there. I can't wait to start prepping meals. Any good meal prep suggestions? Especially for lunch and dinner? Thanks!!


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,030 Member
    Many salads from restaurants are way worse than a normal meal!!
  • woofer00
    woofer00 Posts: 123 Member
    If you're ordering a salad, ask for dressing and cheese on the side where you can control it. Eating out or sharing a meal should be enjoyable, not stressful.

    There are tons of meal prep ideas within the "Food and Nutrition" and "Recipes" subforums here, try just reading back a few pages or searching for foods you like.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yep, usually not a good choice, although asking for dressing on the side helps (you can dip your fork in the dressing, or I just ask for vinegar now, it's enough for me).

    Otherwise, I do a lot of protein (grilled on the foreman or baked, or cooked in a pan) with frozen veggies.