Starting Over Again

Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
HI Guys I have made a couple of starts at losing weight and increasing my fitness. I made a good start just over 12 months ago and lost 12kg (26lb). Unfortunately i injured my knees and and it all went to pot. Of course I put the weight straight back on. This time i have added motivation. Not only am i needing to get fit and lose weight for myself but my partner is having a sleeve gastrectomy in March to help her lose weight and hopefully control her diabetes. So in an attempt to help her through the process, i am starting now to change my habits so i'm in a routine by the time she starts making changes.
To help me in this endeavour i'm looking for friends who are keen and embarking on their own weightloss journey so we can motivate each other and share our losses and gain (cause realistically it will happen).
Feel free to add me and we can smash this thing together


  • Phcutiepie
    Phcutiepie Posts: 25 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello! I'd be happy to share losses and gains. I have my food diary viewable to help be more accountable with my food choices