I want to be healthy and have energy

A few days ago I weighed myself I've been ignoring my weight problem for a while but I didn't know it had gotten this high 339 pounds. This number is creep up so quickly. Now it's go time I have start loving my body and treating it right if I'm going do the things that I want to do with my life. But I need help. In order to actually stick to this I need help from people who are going/gone through the same thing. 2016 is my year I can feel it!


  • GsKiki
    GsKiki Posts: 392 Member
    Good luck with your goal! I'm sure you will manage to reach it with support of MFP members. It's a great supportive community here!
  • reddeament
    reddeament Posts: 51 Member
    Here if you need support :) losing weight isn't easy. I've lost some but still got a long way to go.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I remember that feeling all too well. Its shocking to see the scale number and realize how far we've let it go.
    The good news is that your here now ! Just get yourself a food scale and learn all about weighing your portions and logging them accurately. Being accurate helps a lot ! Remember that weight loss comes down to calories. Calories in / calories out. Just eat less then you burn and you will lose weight . there's no need for special diets, fads or gimmicks. All you need is your food scale :smiley: