Any weight loss blogs from people who are currently losing weight?

Do you have a weight loss blog and are currently losing weight? Or know of a good one I could start to follow?

I already have found a bunch of weight loss blogs by people who have lost the weight a while ago - but I wanna find some by people who are currently on their weight loss journey :)


  • tracykreczmer
    tracykreczmer Posts: 88 Member
    I just started..been going to the gym for six months..then started this diet..I too am looking for some help..or rather inspiration..just in a few days with logging food am stunned with how many cals things have. And exercise without a diet might shave off a few inches but not a lot of
    pounds. But then I am turning fifty soon...but I am glad I got my fitness routine down first..its automatic now..which is a blessing as I am HUNGRY this first week. I also know body started to change after I added weights in. If u find a good blog will u post it? Best of luck strength and determination.
  • reddeament
    reddeament Posts: 51 Member
    @tracykreczmer I'm glad to hear your fitness routine is a habit now - that was the case for me last year before Christmas. Now I'm getting back into it. Tbh I usually dread going to the gym and half the time I have a CBF attitude before it, but I LOVE how I feel after. And that's what keeps me going.

    I have a blog, but not sure if it's inspiring:

    Damn google searches don't return any active weight loss blogs (unless people only blog about it after the fact? I dunno).
  • healthy_hermione
    healthy_hermione Posts: 64 Member
    My weight loss blog is my all time favorite weight loss blog is FitChris25 (also on tumblr)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    mine is a bit about weight loss but a focus on running and aerial yoga because i focus on that and the weight loss follows. (with calorie counting)
  • CarboUnload
    CarboUnload Posts: 30 Member
    There's a tumblr blog called motive weight. It's mainly before and after pictures, but it is motivating!
  • reddeament
    reddeament Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks heaps for the links :)
  • reddeament
    reddeament Posts: 51 Member
    @healthytwentytwo I love how colourful and visual your Tumblr is.

    @moyer566 commented on your post. Am curious about the difference between Fartlek and HIIT (running HIIT) they seem kinda similar?

    @CarboUnload damn those are some very impressive before and after photos eh!
  • dsadburrito
    dsadburrito Posts: 17 Member
    I have a healthy eating Instagram where I post my meals with recipes, progress pics, and other tidbits. It's healthyfoodandotherthings
  • tracykreczmer
    tracykreczmer Posts: 88 Member
    Wow all of your blogs are amazing! Um old lady alert..tumbler?? Am still wondering about instagram..though that chicken and broccoli looked amazing and emmy..u are beyond amazing! What a blog!.. fashion gym pics of u..u look beyond going to bing tumbler. .lol ty reddeameat for this post!