Is it possible to eat out and still lose weight?

wildestrs Posts: 8 Member
edited January 2016 in Food and Nutrition
I have a problem I eat out a lot atleast once or twice a day I buy fast food. However when I do I don't reall gravitate towards the cheeseburgers and fried chicken sandwiches. But rather like a chicken salad sandwich or a shrimp kabob which comes with salad and rice. Despite the fact I eat out like once a day is it still possible to lose weight?

(Also I don't work out because it's just so boring to me unless I'm doing an actually activity like playing a sport)

What do y'all suggest I do?
Does anyone else have this problem?


  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    If you eat in places where they have the calories, just count the calories and make sure you aren't over your goal, no problem.

    I ate out 1-2x per week when losing at restaurants without calorie counts and that was more challenging, but I still managed to lose just fine, so it can be done.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I eat fast food frequently (like 2+ times a week). I work the foods I order into my calorie goal. You can look up nutrition information online for most food chains.

    I've lost 77 lbs, so yes it's possible. You just have to work it into your goals and exercise some moderation with portions.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited January 2016
    To me this is a great question.. This also goes to alot of those guys and gals in college that can't get access to food without going to the cafeteria or vending machines.

    You can still loose weight, but this is really challenge if you are logging food without having a Nutritional Guide to look at before you go to that resaaruant.. I still eat fast food, but usually this food can consume my whole days calories or atleast 75/80% in ONE meal.

    Just because you are eating a salad does that always mean that is healthiest and lowest calorie option on the menu.. These things can be loaded with the same calorie counts and the cheeseburger and fries and always be watchful of the grilled stuff too...

    For me, I may choose the cheeseburger, but I do not eat the bun, or get the small fries.. Never get the combo.. Things like this... me mindful and once you have logged calories in MFP for a while (actually weighed and measured food), studied the calories in and out for a while, and pretty much know how many calories there are in certain foods (such as how many grams 4 oz of grilled chicken is), you will get the hang of it..

    I learned that portion requirements for most everything are a whole lot smaller (a ton smaller) than eating the entire cheeseburger and fries or even the salad or grilled chicken.

  • lizwrites1313
    lizwrites1313 Posts: 160 Member
    I eat in mcdonalds quite often on the way to work but 9 nuggets are only 388 calories. Gotta resist going for the meal.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Yes, it is possible
    Just have to make the calories fit in your daily/weekly allowance
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    edited January 2016
    I would say eating fast food 1-2 times a day and not working out is indeed a problem. You can eat whatever you want and lose weight, you just can't eat as much of whatever you want. The problem lies in health. Long-term these habits will wreak havoc on your health. There's not enough nutrition in chicken salads and shrimp kabobs. Also, you seem young, do you play sports at school? As you get older there will be less time for sports. You've got to find other activities you enjoy. Get a bike, get a dog that will throw you the frisbee, play tennis at the park with someone, etc. Team lacrosse (or whatever sport you play) just isn't going to be an option anymore when you're working full-time or have a family to raise. We could get away with bad habits when we were young but eventually they will catch up to you.
  • PiSquared
    PiSquared Posts: 148 Member
    Of course you can lose weight and still eat out. I mostly cook my own meals, but do go out occasionally. If you are going to a large chain, they will have nutritional information available, usually on their website. You can browse that and take your picks from there. For me, it helps to pre-plan. I know if I have enough calories to spend on my favorite meals. Sometimes if I know I'll be going out, I may do a bit more exercise or reduce calories on other days to mitigate the calorie splurge.

    Calories aren't the only things to be weary of in fast food. A lot of fast foods tend to be really high in sodium (looking at you, Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki). That doesn't mean they're off limits, but you should be aware of it. And yes, I love me some Subway when I'm traveling.

    I will also second being weary of salads. Entree salads can very easily come with huge amounts of calories, in the form of toppings, cheese, and dressing.

    And you probably already know this, but I will suggest adding some type of exercise. It doesn't have to be fancy. It can be as simple as going for a walk. I also still play with my Wii Fit, because it feels more like playing a video game than exercising.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    edited January 2016
    Yes, it is possible
    Just have to make the calories fit in your daily/weekly allowance

    Yup. In fact, I just had an Artison Grilled Chicken Sandwich and an ice cream cone from McD's.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Yes you can. Hubby and I eat out a fair bit and we still manage to pick lower-calorie choices (most of the time). You have to watch commercial salads as they are often plumped with high calorie options like cheese, dried fruit and nuts.

    An easy way to reduce calories of fast food is to eat half. That's closer to the portion you need anyhow.

    Hubby and I have noted over time that weight loss is easier (and faster) on weeks when we eat mostly at home.

    I disagree with @ClubSilencio . I don't think that eating out all the time will wreck your health. Food is food wherever you get it. This, when I do enjoy cooking and eating at home. It pays to know how to serve yourself some basic recipes, because it also saves you loads of money!
  • CalorieCountChocula
    CalorieCountChocula Posts: 239 Member
    Short answer: sure, everyone else probably has tons of good "tricks" to help with this. Longer and less popular answer: why not just eat out less? I know. Not a sexy answer. It's no fun. You'll seem like the girl that doesn't want to go out anywhere which is probably slightly worse than being the girl that is really picky ordering when she does go out (maybe?). Also, it seems restrictive. People get jittery when they think something is restrictive. Plus you'll have to make your own food. It's more work to do that and you're busy already (everyone who eats out a lot swears they're too busy to make their own food).
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    the more you work out = the more you can eat out ;)
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    It's what you eat - not where you eat it - so as long as you're making good choices and logging it realistically you'll be fine.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    You can, you just have to be diligent about your choices. Check the menu first and create your order before you get there. You have to have restraint and knowledge on your side.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Yes, but I want to add that you may have to put up with greater fluctuations on the scale or a rate of loss that's a little slower than predicted due to things like sodium and calorie estimations that are a little off. That's not to say don't do it. The important thing in all of this is to see what works for you and adjust based on your real world results.
  • dliv90
    dliv90 Posts: 10 Member
    It's fine as long as you think it through ahead of time. You need to check out the calories before you order.

    I eat out every day due to a busy work schedule. In my experience, if you try to use common sense you can easily fail. For example, wraps are healthy, right? McDonald's premium McWrap is 640 calories!! Salads are better, but the Premium Southwest is 470 calories!! Have to have that burger? A double quarter pounder with cheese is 740 calories - still 600 without the bread. However a Big Mac (which has an awful reputation) is 470 without the top bun....still bad, but better. 80% of their stuff is awful, so you need to hunt for the 20%....

    For example -- for breakfast you could order 2 scrambled eggs with bacon (not on the menu, but they'll make it for you and put it on a plate) -- this is only 370 calories. Also, an Egg White Delight sandwich if you don't eat the bread on top is 260. To drink, order a bottle of water, iced tea unsweetened, or iced coffee black....all have zero calories.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Yes. You lose weight when you eat less calories than you use.

    However, eating out can be problematic in a couple of ways. Firstly, it is very difficult to know how many calories you're consuming when you eat out. Even at restaurants that have calorie counts on their menus, the meals are generally not prepared the exact same way every time so there are variations. If you're talking about foods that have a high caloric density (like french fries) having a couple extra fries in the box can be a problem if you eat them frequently. Secondly, eating out can be a way to avoid working out whatever problems you had with food got you to where you are in the first place.

    Your diet should allow for eating out occasionally (say, once a week or so) because it's an unavoidable part of life, but it shouldn't be a staple or a crutch in my opinion.
  • Cambridge727
    Cambridge727 Posts: 50 Member
    Yes you can eat out and still lose weight. The draw back is salt, fat and extra calories (not knowing how food was prepared). I use to make healthy choices from the menu then asked for lower sodium or not add items to the plate. The next thing is portion control only eat half what's in front of you. I also would eat places like Subway or have chili from Wendy's

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Really depends on where you eat and what you eat, obviously. A chicken salad sandwich can be 1000 calories though, so it's not something I'd eat every day, unless it's small... And most kebab places give you easily 600 calories worth of rice and salad (counting the dressing).

    Basically, you just have to stick to good choices and estimate as best as you can... so often, it means overestimating just in case. Personally, I like being able to eat as much as I can, so I'd rather make my own food, that way there's no wondering if my lunch was 100 less calories or not and if I can fit a snack...

    I still eat out occasionally but it must be something I'm really craving for it to be worth it. And there's no way I could afford the calories for it if I didn't work out.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    It can be done. I'd focus on the macros more than the calories

    Suggestion: play those sports you like or find something that lets that competition out in you.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i eat out all the time. lost 70 pounds in the past year ....