Mama needs friends and motivation!

I dabbled on here last year, but my stress got the best of me and I disassociated myself from here or being healthy. So I'm back at it to do this year right!

I'm a mom of 3 and have about 80 lbs I want to lose. But I need help.... I need support and adult interaction! I need to know there are others there struggling too.... and maybe we can help each other succeed! I'm ready. ... are you?? I'm a fun individual.. a bit of nerd.... a bit of tomboy... tattoo-oholic.... a little of my redhead attitude shows....but I'm here and I'm trying!

Right now I'm monitoring what I'm eating so I can see what changes I need to make. But I'm hoping I can take this fitness thing into high gear! I need to do it for my kids and for myself!
Add me or I'll add you! Let's help each other!


  • April_Kae
    April_Kae Posts: 63 Member
    come on mama!!!! you can do it!!!!
  • catthewildone
    catthewildone Posts: 13 Member
    edited January 2016
    Thanks! :)
  • lbinkley35
    lbinkley35 Posts: 16 Member
    Good luck it will get easier the longer you do it you will see the difference
  • stacyd0514
    stacyd0514 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm right there with you sister! I am a mother of two beautiful girls but over the years I let myself go and I need to drop 75+ pounds. I have tried several times to loose weight but I always let stress and other matters get to me and I turned to food. I'm ready to be the person I want to be, happy and healthy. Today is my first day and I'm hoping to get encouragement for others like me to keep me going to be the new and improved me.