Rant of the Day



  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that. I don't mind friendly advice or tips because that's why I have an open diary but there will be a Friday or weekend now and then that is going to show me out drinking and very little intake of food so hopefully some will understand that it's my way of unwinding after a long week at work or just wanting to have a good time! Have fun:happy:
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    That shiz calls for joyful deletion with extreme prejudice. Life's too short.

    Life is definitely too short and I think it's hard to keep positive if you are surrounded by negative people:smile:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Is today the day we air grievances on the forums of those fellow MFPers we have issues with?
  • nfgchick79
    nfgchick79 Posts: 89 Member
    Who DOES that?! I would never dream of giving someone s*** over what they ate/drank! If someone did that to me, I'd laugh and say see ya later <delete>. Good on you for being honest in your diary. I'm usually honest but once in a while I skip logging. For example I went out last weekend and partied like I NEVER get to do and just drank and ate a bunch (but danced my butt off) and didn't bother logging. It's called enjoying life once in a while!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Is today the day we air grievances on the forums of those fellow MFPers we have issues with?

    I'm not waiting for Festivus this year.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    WTH really wowsers...I'd like to see someone make a comment about my food diary and being over what 82 calories...they would get a swift

    mIm from me...:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    What I want to know is how you went out with friends for a night of hedonism :drinker: and went over by only a mere 87 (or was that 89?) calories!?!?! What were you drinking? LITE BEER??? My hat is off to you!

    And yes, I've noticed way too many in these forums with shoulder chips where their heads should be. Someone is constantly having to apologize over the tiniest social faux pas.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I just went to peak at your diary for last night....you were over 87 calories. 87 calories. I was over by more than 200 last night just because with no alcohol involved. I can't really use the language I find appropriate for this on the forums. Delete them. The stupid thing is called a goal because you're supposed to reach it not be unde,r so you went over by 87! calories. Big flying deal.
  • Sarabelle43
    Then delete them. They aren't supportive friends.

    This. You were honest and logged your splurges. That's a win in my book.

    Yep. And find some better friends that can be supportive. Looks like lots of possibilities here! ;)
  • theycallyoumister
    theycallyoumister Posts: 222 Member
    we're human...are we not? :smile:
  • fullofquirks
    fullofquirks Posts: 182 Member
    I had my diary closed because I was afraid of this very thing. But then I decided I would open it and if anyone made an untword comment then yeah they'd get the boot. So far I've no issues.

    I'm sorry you've had some. 87 cals. Psshawww.

    Live and let drink! :drinker:
  • jerseygirlmaggie
    jerseygirlmaggie Posts: 165 Member
    That would piss me off too!

    I would probably comment like "It's all about balance. Love being with my friends and enjoying nights like that because I don't do it everyday".