Need advice

Hello Everyone!! I am a 29 yr old with weight to lose. I have had success losing 50+ pounds a couple years back so you would think I know what I am doing right? WRONG. I know what needs to be done, but this time around I absolutely cannot stay on track. My willpower seems to be slim to none. My problem? Eating crappy foods! Does anyone have any advice on how to make myself do this? I want it SO bad, I am so tired of being overweight and I am just looking for advice on how you were able to stay on track?


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Maybe stop demonizing foods? No food is inherently bad for you. Eat the foods you want/love and fit them into your calorie goal.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Start by logging the things you are currently eating. Be honest with yourself. Once you see what that looks like in your food diary, then try to make one small change at a time. Maybe switch one soda out for water a day, or something like that. When you've mastered that change, change one other thing, like switch one junk food for a vegetable. Baby steps are sustainable and what will help you reach your goal.

    Good luck!
  • lauragyenes
    lauragyenes Posts: 1 Member
    Break your relationship with food. Food is fuel not a reward. Go back to basics of how our great grandparents used to cook ( from scratch).
    Good luck!
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    Here are some tips to help you get started (yes, I copy/paste... it's good advice!):
      - Buy a food scale and use it religiously! You need to know exactly how much you're putting in your body. If you "guesstimate" you will be wrong 100% of the time. - Log everything you eat. Don't get in the mindset that you can only log sometimes. You need to have a history of what you eat to help you know what your triggers may be, know what you are lacking, etc. - Don't change everything all at once or you will just burn yourself out quickly. Make small changes and continue to add to it and a few weeks or months later you will be living the lifestyle you want. - Don't give up just because you go over. Make up for it during the week or just take it as a lesson and move on. Bumps in the road will happen, this is not a straight line - You are accountable for you. Everyone here can push you, but if you aren't honest with yourself, it won't matter what anyone else does. - PERSONALLY: Calories In vs Calories Out (CICO) is the way to lose weight. Anyone who says you HAVE to eat clean, low carb, keto, etc. are fooling you. While they may lose weight faster, it is not something you can normally stick with. Science has proven that CICO is how you lose or gain weight. So eat that pizza, eat that burger, don't force yourself to have salad every single day. Eat the way you want to live your life, just learn to do it in moderation.

    Good luck to you and add me if you like (as well as anyone else)
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    Do you buy and prepare your own meals? What do you consider to be crappy food? What sort of eating routine do you currently have. More info will help the community here give advice that's relevant to your situation.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    What crappy foods do you eat? I had a Butterfinger bar today and could still be in a deficit.
  • bbrriitt
    bbrriitt Posts: 2 Member
    thanks for the thoughts! :)
  • phyllis731
    phyllis731 Posts: 58 Member
    I've had the most success with staying on track when I focus on why I'm actually doing all of this. I completely recommend focusing on your goals and the reason who have embarked on this journey.
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    bbrriitt wrote: »
    Hello Everyone!! I am a 29 yr old with weight to lose. I have had success losing 50+ pounds a couple years back so you would think I know what I am doing right? WRONG. I know what needs to be done, but this time around I absolutely cannot stay on track. My willpower seems to be slim to none. My problem? Eating crappy foods! Does anyone have any advice on how to make myself do this? I want it SO bad, I am so tired of being overweight and I am just looking for advice on how you were able to stay on track?

    As most have said in one way or another... eat whatever you want, just not so much of it. I eat pizza, burgers, breaded chicken tenders (baked), french fries, and various other things. I just always make sure they fit within my calorie budget. That is the easiest way.
  • dluberts
    dluberts Posts: 26 Member
    I found for myself,in the beginning, if I obsessed over what "crappy" foods I could or couldnt eat I would dwell on it. I wouldn't eat anything, because in my mind anything that was over a certain calorie amount or had too much fat or sugar, was bad. That mind process led me to fail, and fail hard. I had lost about 20 lbs and hit a wall, I had gained it all back and really fast. I had started to binge on all of the things "crappy". Im now on round 3 of dieting and so far have found things much easier. I have a goal of 1200 calories per day-but I dont obsess over it as much. If I'm a little over, it's ok. I eat chocolate or mexican, but i make better choices. I try to 'cheat' just a little everyday. That way, my cravings are satisfied, but Im staying the need to binge. So far im down 15 lbs, and Im happy. Im not a miserable dieter.
  • kmadison0915
    kmadison0915 Posts: 3 Member
    Can you add breastfeeding as a calorie deficit? Or how does that work?