Is it enough with just watching your calories goal? or does it also matter what I eat?



  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    so much bro science in such a little thread.

    you dont need to detox or change to special diets. good grief.

    likely, you are holding onto sodium/water weight.

    the only thing you need to do is make sure you are ACCURATELY weighing and logging your food (in grams, on a scale) and not overestimating your exercise calories if you eat them back. If you eat them back (and you should eat back some), keep it around half of what the machines or mfp tells you your burned.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    What you eat matters for general health. You can lose weight eating nothing but ring dings or cheezits if you are eating in a deficit. The term "detox" makes people crazy around here but there is nothing wrong with dealing with a sodium overload by following up with low sodium stuff and a bit more water than usual for a day or two.
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    It is so important to eat healthy , calories are not even that important as long as you dont eat unprocessed food if you stick to lots of veggies and fruits with every meal plus your complex carbs like sweet potAto quinoa brown rice and i would recommend lots of fish . Its not the same eating a 500 kcal big mac which is fatty and has no good nutritional value with a 500 kcal superfood salad for example that has the good fats from avocado protein from quinoa fiber from all the veggies etx thah waa just an example .When you eat sweets the sugar breaks down in your body and gets stored as fat. If you eat good food you wont put on weight. A natural detox drink is adding raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar to your water . Also cinnamon tea speeds up your merabolism and its full of antioxidants. Good luck

    Wow. I'm going to go ahead and decide to believe that this is satire, because if it's not satire, then that makes me really really sad. The level of ignorance embedded in this post is unprecedented. Best way to sum it up:


    But I ate 2,000 calories in lettuce this morning. Isn't that better than a 2,000 calorie hamburger?

    And my face is green.

    So is my poop.

    Isn't that how this works?
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    When I started on here I was losing weight fast now I slowed down but I also notice that before I ate healthier and now with all the holidays I've Ben eating junk and lots of sweets but still under my calories and still doing my exercises and drinking plenty of water I gained 5 lbs over the holidays! Also does anyone know any natural body detox drink or plan?

    There's your answer. People tend to celebrate holidays with food, so gaining a little over the holiday season happens to a lot of people and isn't going to sabotage you or anything. Tighten up your logging and keep within your calorie goal and you'll be fine.

    It is so important to eat healthy , calories are not even that important as long as you dont eat unprocessed food if you stick to lots of veggies and fruits with every meal plus your complex carbs like sweet potAto quinoa brown rice and i would recommend lots of fish . Its not the same eating a 500 kcal big mac which is fatty and has no good nutritional value with a 500 kcal superfood salad for example that has the good fats from avocado protein from quinoa fiber from all the veggies etx thah waa just an example .When you eat sweets the sugar breaks down in your body and gets stored as fat. If you eat good food you wont put on weight. A natural detox drink is adding raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar to your water . Also cinnamon tea speeds up your merabolism and its full of antioxidants. Good luck

  • johnboy916
    johnboy916 Posts: 52 Member
    I have been successful by just by counting calories strictly. With a Friday cheat day and no exercise (just what I get at work) it takes longer and the scale will 7 months I lost 39lbs of fat........ patience and commitment. I had "stalls" in my weight loss. But, continued and the weight continued to drop...... I can say that the "healthier" you eat the faster the weight will drop...... it happened to me........ the more cheeseburgers and pizza I ate the process slowed but it still came off because I stayed at my calorie intake goal.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    johnboy916 wrote: »
    I can say that the "healthier" you eat the faster the weight will drop...... it happened to me........ the more cheeseburgers and pizza I ate the process slowed but it still came off because I stayed at my calorie intake goal.

    Weight loss may have slowed due to water retention caused by the high sodium intake from more processed foods, but at the same calorie intake, true fat loss will not slow.
  • hamlet1222
    hamlet1222 Posts: 459 Member
    I just track calories and have a minimum protein target, leaving carbs and fats to take care of themselves. Not found any issues with this approach.
  • ecdce
    ecdce Posts: 129 Member
    Along with increased sodium making you retain more water, as mentioned by others, it's likely your junky holiday diet wasn't as plentiful in fiber. Meaning your 5 lb weight gain may partly be poop. Or poop you haven't pooped yet. Remember your scale weighs everything. Make sure your diet is plentiful in both soluble and insoluble fiber, but ramp up slowly to give your body time to adjust.
  • harrybananas
    harrybananas Posts: 292 Member
    johnboy916 wrote: »
    I have been successful by just by counting calories strictly. With a Friday cheat day and no exercise (just what I get at work) it takes longer and the scale will 7 months I lost 39lbs of fat........ patience and commitment. I had "stalls" in my weight loss. But, continued and the weight continued to drop...... I can say that the "healthier" you eat the faster the weight will drop...... it happened to me........ the more cheeseburgers and pizza I ate the process slowed but it still came off because I stayed at my calorie intake goal.

    This is correct.

    In terms of weight loss, calories matter over what you eat. I've went on McDonald's (or any fast food but McD is my go to) binges for weeks on in - having fast food up to 3-4 times a week sometimes.

    1800 calorie McDonald's meal in one lunch sitting? I'm down. But it'll leave me so full and satisfied that I really don't crave or eat much the rest of the day. So I usually end the day around 2500 calories without counting exercise (not a big cardio fan).

    With that in mind, I also understand what you eat is also important. But I enjoy McDonald's a lot so I give in to my cravings, but disciplined enough to keep my calories in check.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    johnboy916 wrote: »
    I have been successful by just by counting calories strictly. With a Friday cheat day and no exercise (just what I get at work) it takes longer and the scale will 7 months I lost 39lbs of fat........ patience and commitment. I had "stalls" in my weight loss. But, continued and the weight continued to drop...... I can say that the "healthier" you eat the faster the weight will drop...... it happened to me........ the more cheeseburgers and pizza I ate the process slowed but it still came off because I stayed at my calorie intake goal.

    This is correct.

    In terms of weight loss, calories matter over what you eat. I've went on McDonald's (or any fast food but McD is my go to) binges for weeks on in - having fast food up to 3-4 times a week sometimes.

    1800 calorie McDonald's meal in one lunch sitting? I'm down. But it'll leave me so full and satisfied that I really don't crave or eat much the rest of the day. So I usually end the day around 2500 calories without counting exercise (not a big cardio fan).

    With that in mind, I also understand what you eat is also important. But I enjoy McDonald's a lot so I give in to my cravings, but disciplined enough to keep my calories in check.

    And as long as your body receives the nutrients it needs, I see nothing wrong with this. I do the same thing. I don't have the best and healthiest diet, but I get the nutrients I need and stay in my calorie goal, so it works.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It is so important to eat healthy , calories are not even that important as long as you dont eat unprocessed food if you stick to lots of veggies and fruits with every meal plus your complex carbs like sweet potAto quinoa brown rice and i would recommend lots of fish . Its not the same eating a 500 kcal big mac which is fatty and has no good nutritional value with a 500 kcal superfood salad for example that has the good fats from avocado protein from quinoa fiber from all the veggies etx thah waa just an example .When you eat sweets the sugar breaks down in your body and gets stored as fat. If you eat good food you wont put on weight. A natural detox drink is adding raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar to your water . Also cinnamon tea speeds up your merabolism and its full of antioxidants. Good luck

    The bold is true...the rest is nonsense.

    I eat what most would probably consider a pretty "clean" diet and I've managed to gain weight doing so...calories are what matter most for weight management. Eating well is primarily a matter of nutrition.
  • Ruthhormachea
    Ruthhormachea Posts: 35 Member
    thank you all :)
  • monetfuge
    monetfuge Posts: 43 Member
    edited January 2016
    You re welcome! I'm left feeling nourished and less hungry and less cravings as I eat healthy every month my palets forget cravings ( with help of avocado, coconut oil and fish oils) and my stomach shrinks. I'm feeding my body the vitamins it needs so that too stops cravings. Plus I'm a gorgeing camel type. I can go long bouts of not eating bad food but it's when I treat myself that I act like I haven't had pie and ice cream bf. So knowing your body and being content with its limits and when to push is a must. Plus, I poop like I should so my hair and skin looks healthier and I'm dropping intestine weight or gut weight. So it's a process and your body and research will teach you. We all have to learn to listen and finally get fed up enough to commit. Close to addicted or extreme maybe, but not really.

    Eating well and excersises I.e. ( spin class 1-2ib loss weekly with good eating and calorie count combo, metabolic excersises like boot camp or HIIT) = weight loss and lean muscle.

    Just watching calories= weight loss and flab and skinny sickly person possibly.

    Get an In Body or BMI assessment and set goals. KNOW YOUR BODY!!! Recognize and bow down to truths that work for you. I.e. (I can't do dairy I'm lactose, dairy is high in fat per research. But yogurt is good for intestines. So one spoonful every other day of plain Greek yogurt or in homemade smoothies sounds right for me, with almond or better coconut milk with the fruits I've researched)
  • Ruthhormachea
    Ruthhormachea Posts: 35 Member
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Nix143 wrote: »
    Ack - you know some people don't know what they believe isn't scientifically accurate. They genuinely believe that stuff - mainly it's because it's what does get peddled on Dr Oz, women's mags, lunchroom banter etc. Most people when they arrive here aren't as clued up as they should be but they don't know that. They honestly believe what they are saying. I always feel a bit sad for well meaning people who get jumped on by the sarky meme brigade. I'm glad you lot all woke up knowing everything about everything.

    And I KNOW people shouldn't give advice if they don't categorically know it is correct but that's the thing - people DON'T know how wrong they are. You hope that through their time here they get educated - like I was lucky enough to do. My gut reaction is a lot of them just won't come back after being roasted and will carry on with their erroneous beliefs.

    Meh. I guess I want everyone to just hug it the *kitten* out. Fool that I am ;)

    We've all fallen for/believed various weight loss woo at one time or another, I'm sure. But the post in question contains SO MUCH of it in one short post. It boggles the mind. I fervently hope that it's a joke and that there's not someone walking around who believes every weight loss myth out there.