I have a few questions, please help

I usually can't get to the gym until 7:30 pm. is it bad to drink a protein drink before the gym or should i do it after?

does anyone do a meal replacement drink and if so do you still do a protein drink after or before working out?

What meal do you replace with the drink?



  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    There is absolutely no reason to do either meal replacement drinks or protein drinks.
    If you chose to do them, look at the reason why.

    Meal replacement drinks will give you what you need nutritionally, but won't teach you to eat at a sustainable calorie and nutritional goal.

    Protein drinks will give you protein, but not teach you to source the best protein. They also have no magic powers as far as weight loss and metabolism go.

    However if your preferred eating style lacks protein, supplement with a shake to fit your protein levels.

    Doing both wouldn't be my choice for a sustainable weight loss or life style.
    If I had to chose, I would eat food, to my calorie goal, and dump the meal replacement drinks.
    The debate on a post workout protein supplement hasn't resolved, as far as I know, so have a protein drink as a help to reach your protein goal at a time that you prefer.

    No expert, just my point if view.

    Cheers, h.
  • jesusarolon
    jesusarolon Posts: 208 Member
    ^^^ Wow couldn't of said it better myself.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Before or after is simply a matter of personal preference.
    Protein drinks are primarily for the purpose of helping you get enough protein, if you're struggling to do so with your diet.
    Meal replacement shakes don't tend to be terribly helpful in the long run as they don't allow you to develop the habits you'll need to keep the weight off once you lose it.
    Is it harmful to drink both? Probably not, but like @middlehaitch, I'm no expert.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    you dont need a protein drink at all, unless maybe you are doing some pretty serious weight lifting. They can also be pretty darn heavy in calories.

    as far as whether or not you eat before or after your workout, do what works best for you.