new to this app need help plz

Hi I'm Nathalie

I've been using this app for 3 days and have questions. Can anybody help me plz? After putting my info in it gave me my net calorie intake. That I'm fine with. I know how to register my meals. I need help with macros % in the nutrition tab I click macros and I see the percentage but how do I know if I'm meeting them all correctly? Once I added my info those the app sets my macros for me? I know I can change them myself. I know how. But I want to know if the app let's me know if I hit my macros or do I need to keep an eye on them to ensure I hit them myself?


  • Nathcaron
    Nathcaron Posts: 3 Member
    Do the macros change if you add exercise during you day with this app?