Starting again

Hi everyone!

So technically, I am not new here. I have been using myfitnesspal on and off for years. However, this time, I'm completely committing myself to making a change in my lifestyle. I have recently committed to the vegan lifestyle-but that does not mean I am here to preach or harp on anyone! I am committing myself to a leaner, more whole foods and plant-based diet, but I don't screech in front of buildings with PETA signs! ;)

I am 23 years old and on the higher side of average weight, according to my BMI. I used to be an extremely picky eater. I have lived most of my life living off of mainly... chicken, pasta, and cheese. No joke! And for some reason, I expected to lose weight. Taking on the vegan lifestyle since mid-December has changed my life. I am exploring so many different foods than I ever would have cared to explore before. I'm loving every day of it so far and simply want to give & get support, motivation, and ideas!

Anyway, I am looking to connect with vegans and non-vegans alike, who are aiming towards a more well-rounded and nutritious diet. I want to help motivate and support people any way I can, as well as be motivated and supported in return. (I'm much more likely to eat the kale if someone tells me to, instead of myself...) No but really, I would love to become friends with anyone who has a similar mindset as far as whole foods and balanced diet goes. I'm no fitness or nutrition nut, I'm just in the beginning stages- but if you'd like to be friends, please message/add me! :)
