What am I doing wrong?

Hi guys,
Having a rough morning. I thought I was doing great and then put on a pair of jeans this morning and they didn't fit. Of course, out of frustration, I got very upset and my husband got the worst of it. I've been working out, keeping my calories in check, walking to and from work everyday (2 miles). I just seem to be going in the wrong direction! I need a little help. What could I be doing wrong? Could I just be bloated? I drink at least 100oz of water a day. What could it be?
Thank you, community!


  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    How long have you been working out and counting calories ? If you just started patience is key :)
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    Without enough information, all anyone can do is guess.

    First off, are you trying to lose weight/inches? If so, how long have you been at it? Have you been eating at or around the recommended daily calories? Are you constipated or gassy? Did you eat a lot of sodium recently? Is it close to 'that time' of the month?

    I know personally that if I eat too much sodium or if its around shark week, certain pants just don't fit right and it can be frustrating (especially when hormones come into play). But I've been at this a long time and I've learned to not base my success or failiure on a bad day or two and to concentrate on the trend. If you are just starting out, it can be frustrating when it's not miraculously easy or when you have setbacks or bloated days but it is worth it to stick to it in the long run.
  • Piggytummy
    Piggytummy Posts: 24 Member
    Do you do a food journal? Wasnt sure if it was just hidden or not. Did these jeans fit well prior to todays trying on? I know that I have a ton of jeans in multiple sizes and sometimes ill grab one that isnt the best fit and i know the feeling of frustration. Also to agree with the previous statement how soon you started could matter too. Sometimes a big change on your body can make your body rebel for a little bit but then you start shedding the pounds. Most certainly can be bloat.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    What do you mean by "keeping my calories in check"? Are you logging, are you weighing? Are you sure you are at a deficit? How long have you been at it?
  • danacorl
    danacorl Posts: 4 Member
    @maroonmango211 - haha shark week! It is in fact Shark Week. I've been counting calories for a long time (6 years with MFP) but I've recently had increased frustration trying to get weight off that I gained last year when my company went under. Perhaps this could be hormonal bloating?
  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    It could be any number of things. It's hard to really pin point even a small number of those things without more info from you though. It could be bloating (from gas), it could be water retention (large amounts of water will reduce water retention, however super high sodium could still cause the retention), it could be (really note the *could*) muscle growth due to increased exercise (extra walking etc), and lastly it could be fat gain. - I know that's not what you want to hear, but it's a possibility of course. Note that weight fluctuation will happen daily, that said it can show on the scale and in clothing. Be sure to accurately keep calories consumed in check -weigh what you eat. Measure what you drink. Don't leave out anything at all, even low calorie condiments like ketchup or mustard. Also make sure your exercises are accurately logged. Choose the correct entry. Example: don't pick fast walking speeds, if it was a stroll. Don't pick high impact whatever it wasn't truly high impact. Don't round up times- if you worked out for 13 minutes and 36 seconds don't log 14 minutes.

    In short, log everything as accurately as possible. Stay in a healthy deficit. Don't be discouraged at times like these, keep on trucking. Weight will come off, clothes will fit better. All in time.

    Good luck!
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    there was an episode of The Cleveland Show where in order to get revenge on Cleveland, Cleveland Jr. started replacing Cleveland's shirts with smaller and smaller ones. Is that why your husband was involved? You think he might be secretly replacing your jeans?

  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    danacorl wrote: »
    @maroonmango211 - haha shark week! It is in fact Shark Week. I've been counting calories for a long time (6 years with MFP) but I've recently had increased frustration trying to get weight off that I gained last year when my company went under. Perhaps this could be hormonal bloating?

    Definitely, especially if you've been a little extra stressed to begin with all those hormones can really do a number on your body (and on the number on the scale). If you're still logging accurately and still staying in a deficit through the cravings and stress though it should all go back to normal in a few days. Drinking lots of water and staying away from super salty foods can help too.

  • danacorl
    danacorl Posts: 4 Member
    @besaro I love this theory. YES!
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Being a woman, it could be a number of things. I personally gain a few pounds (water weight) before my period starts and it doesn't go away until after. That being said, I stay bloated and some of my clothes just do not fit as well. Also, it could be a sign of pregnancy; that was the first sign in my first pregnancy. I had bought new clothes that didn't fit the next week.

    Also, have you tried altering your workout some? Sometimes your body just gets used to your exercise and doesn't burn calories like it used to. This really helps when you get to a plateau in your weight loss.