The scale won't move.



  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    These two posts might be an interesting read:

    But really, it sounds like there might be issues that go deeper than just the scale not moving for 4 days.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    You keep saying that you watch your portions but you don't say how.

    I eat protein such as 3 oz chicken breast or salmon or lean beef. I minimize my carb intake. Of I have toast at breakfast I won't eat any carb at lunch and at dinner I would have maybe 3 tablespoons of steamed rice or pasta. I have veggies at dinner and snack on fruit or just one granola bar a day that is mostly made with nuts.

    Ok but how do you know it's 3 oz? Are you using a food scale to verify that?
  • cathingstars
    cathingstars Posts: 15 Member
    These two posts might be an interesting read:

    But really, it sounds like there might be issues that go deeper than just the scale not moving for 4 days.

    What do you mean by issues that go deeper than the scale not moving?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    You keep saying that you watch your portions but you don't say how.

    I eat protein such as 3 oz chicken breast or salmon or lean beef. I minimize my carb intake. Of I have toast at breakfast I won't eat any carb at lunch and at dinner I would have maybe 3 tablespoons of steamed rice or pasta. I have veggies at dinner and snack on fruit or just one granola bar a day that is mostly made with nuts.

    How are you measuring your portions? Food scale? Measuring cups and spoons? Eyeballing any portions? There's a big difference between the three.

    I like how this video demonstrates it:

  • cathingstars
    cathingstars Posts: 15 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    You keep saying that you watch your portions but you don't say how.

    I eat protein such as 3 oz chicken breast or salmon or lean beef. I minimize my carb intake. Of I have toast at breakfast I won't eat any carb at lunch and at dinner I would have maybe 3 tablespoons of steamed rice or pasta. I have veggies at dinner and snack on fruit or just one granola bar a day that is mostly made with nuts.

    Ok but how do you know it's 3 oz? Are you using a food scale to verify that?

    Yes I do
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    These two posts might be an interesting read:

    But really, it sounds like there might be issues that go deeper than just the scale not moving for 4 days.

    What do you mean by issues that go deeper than the scale not moving?

    You are purposefully eating below what is good for your health and worried about the scale not moving for 4 days. You are either trying to do too much too fast or you have emotional issues surrounding weight loss that are affecting how you go about this (or a combination of both). It's very common to want the weight to come off as fast as possible, but our bodies just aren't capable of that. And putting this much stress on one weigh in when you're going to have tons of ups and downs in the process is going to give you all kinds of problems throughout this journey.
  • cathingstars
    cathingstars Posts: 15 Member
    These two posts might be an interesting read:

    But really, it sounds like there might be issues that go deeper than just the scale not moving for 4 days.

    What do you mean by issues that go deeper than the scale not moving?

    You are purposefully eating below what is good for your health and worried about the scale not moving for 4 days. You are either trying to do too much too fast or you have emotional issues surrounding weight loss that are affecting how you go about this (or a combination of both). It's very common to want the weight to come off as fast as possible, but our bodies just aren't capable of that. And putting this much stress on one weigh in when you're going to have tons of ups and downs in the process is going to give you all kinds of problems throughout this journey.

    I do get frustrated with myself when I don't see the scale moving because I have been doing everything I am supposed to do and I want to lose the weight by March but it's so slow. I don't know what to do anymore really. I am going to keep doing what I am doing now and I will try to not weigh myself everyday became its really never wrecking.
  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    You need to remember however long it took to put the weight on it takes for it to come off. You have to be diligent and want to ensure you are eating enough calories to fuel your everyday life and 1000 is not going to do it I am 154 5'6 and my BMR is 1430 I never eat below that, that is the cals you need just to live. Make sure you are weighing and measuring everything accurately. There are cals in fruit and veg so don't under guess on those. Fruit has a lot of calories too. My biggest fast loss was from 186 to 172 it took 3 months on weight watchers so there are no quick fixes. If you don't make it a lifestyle change and do lose it, it will all just come back on. I know this from highschool taking diet pills lost a ton fast but it came back when I stopped and doubled!
  • cathingstars
    cathingstars Posts: 15 Member
    spickard34 wrote: »
    You need to remember however long it took to put the weight on it takes for it to come off. You have to be diligent and want to ensure you are eating enough calories to fuel your everyday life and 1000 is not going to do it I am 154 5'6 and my BMR is 1430 I never eat below that, that is the cals you need just to live. Make sure you are weighing and measuring everything accurately. There are cals in fruit and veg so don't under guess on those. Fruit has a lot of calories too. My biggest fast loss was from 186 to 172 it took 3 months on weight watchers so there are no quick fixes. If you don't make it a lifestyle change and do lose it, it will all just come back on. I know this from highschool taking diet pills lost a ton fast but it came back when I stopped and doubled!
    Thanks for the advice. I am trying my best really. Do you workout? Cause I don't and thats why I minimize my calories
  • Kitty_Nikki
    Kitty_Nikki Posts: 44 Member
    4 days without a loss is not a big deal when you look at the big picture. I like this reddit post that explains it with graphs of his loss over 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and a year. I think it would benefit you to read it.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    edited January 2016
    These two posts might be an interesting read:

    But really, it sounds like there might be issues that go deeper than just the scale not moving for 4 days.

    What do you mean by issues that go deeper than the scale not moving?

    You are purposefully eating below what is good for your health and worried about the scale not moving for 4 days. You are either trying to do too much too fast or you have emotional issues surrounding weight loss that are affecting how you go about this (or a combination of both). It's very common to want the weight to come off as fast as possible, but our bodies just aren't capable of that. And putting this much stress on one weigh in when you're going to have tons of ups and downs in the process is going to give you all kinds of problems throughout this journey.

    I do get frustrated with myself when I don't see the scale moving because I have been doing everything I am supposed to do and I want to lose the weight by March but it's so slow. I don't know what to do anymore really. I am going to keep doing what I am doing now and I will try to not weigh myself everyday became its really never wrecking.

    You most likely didn't put the weight on in two months, so it won't come off that quickly. And actually, three pounds in under two weeks is very fast. Take a step back, be patient, and log everything accurately-hitting at least 1200 calories a day.
  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    I have lost and not worked out but I eat at my BMR then now I eat 1650-1800 workout and lose provided I don't eat like crap on the weekend which is something I am guilty of. I have been on this weight loss journey for 9 years went from 186 to 154 now and still trying but I know it will come in time.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,245 Member
    Even not working out, 1000 calories is way too low. 1200 is considered the lowest a female should go to get the nutrition that is needed to stay healthy. If you are in school (student I assume) you are likely younger and would likely need more. If you final goal is 150 that means you have 15 pounds to lose so any goal higher than 1 pound a week will result in losing more lean mass than you would want to both from skeletal muscles (those used to move your body, and from things like your heart and the like. You don't want that. Set your goal to a reasonable number, eat the calories this site give you measuring your food carefully and the weight will come off. It just takes time.
  • HutchA12
    HutchA12 Posts: 279 Member

    at dinner I would have maybe 3 tablespoons of steamed rice or pasta.
    I don't think I could even be bothered to make that litte. A small scoop of peanut butter would be easier.
  • cathingstars
    cathingstars Posts: 15 Member
    HutchA12 wrote: »
    at dinner I would have maybe 3 tablespoons of steamed rice or pasta.
    I don't think I could even be bothered to make that litte. A small scoop of peanut butter would be easier.

    My family eats that and I just control my portions
  • CalorieCountChocula
    CalorieCountChocula Posts: 239 Member
    edited January 2016
    jemhh wrote: »
    But why wont the scale move ? Its been the same for 4 days :(

    It's just how it is. Weight loss is not like a woodchipper where you shove the input (caloric deficit) in one end and immediately get the output (weight loss equal to caloric deficit) out the other side. It varies from week to week and day to day.

    But do you at least get fat loss (mostly hopefully) close to what your deficit should equal? This type of double talk is the most irritating part of weight loss advice. CICO CICO CICO. Wait, nope, you won't always lose weight. Huh?

    And if there's not a one to one connection with your deficit what happened. As in, if I ate 3500 calories under for the week and didn't lose any fat what happened instead?

    EDIT: I'll start:

    something something....water weight for some reason.
  • skydiveD30571
    skydiveD30571 Posts: 281 Member
    If you are expecting more than 1-2lbs a week of actual fat loss, you will be very dissapointed. There's no way to speed it up, it's as simple as that. Don't drive yourself crazy, try to accept that's is a process just like gaining the weight was. Neither happens overnight.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    But why wont the scale move ? Its been the same for 4 days :(

    It's just how it is. Weight loss is not like a woodchipper where you shove the input (caloric deficit) in one end and immediately get the output (weight loss equal to caloric deficit) out the other side. It varies from week to week and day to day.

    But do you at least get fat loss (mostly hopefully) close to what your deficit should equal? This type of double talk is the most irritating part of weight loss advice. CICO CICO CICO. Wait, nope, you won't always lose weight. Huh?

    And if there's not a one to one connection with your deficit what happened. As in, if I ate 3500 calories under for the week and didn't lose any fat what happened instead?

    EDIT: I'll start:

    something something....water weight for some reason.

    I'm simply saying that you don't get results immediately. Some people seem to think that if they eat at a 500 calorie deficit one day they should weigh 1/7th of a pound less the next day. It doesn't work like that. Yes, in the long run a true 500 calorie per day deficit should give you an average fat loss of a pound a week but you're not going to see it on the scale each and every week. That's not double talk.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited January 2016
    I only eat 1000 because I don't exercise due to my heavy school load and other obligations so I just try to minimize my calorie intake
    Yeah...I did the math and have averaged 1828 calories per day for the 32 days I have been tracking calories even though I was shooting for 1600 per day, +/- 100 calories. Yes, the holidays were amongst the count, but the point is I was over my target more often than not for the entire four weeks. (:

    I don't exercise. At all. In fact, I hardly even walk unless if you count between the various rooms of my house as walking.

    My weight has done everything but a steady linear decline yet I've lost eight pounds in that four weeks when I was only shooting for a pound a week. And I am an old, fat, lady.

    Even if you were 4'7" and 65 pounds, based on your sex and age, your BMR would be more than 1000 calories per day even if sedentary. You are not eating enough. Period.

  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited January 2016
    I am going to keep doing what I am doing now...

    Oh, okay. Good luck to ya.