Craptastic, I just want need a healthy way to lose weight.



  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    ive spent the past year eating the same i always have and lost 70+ pounds.

    eat less. move more.

    its not rocket science.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Forget everything you think you know, and eat less. Eat all the things you have been but eat less.

    The purpose of gastric bypass type surgeries is they force you to eat less. Obviously, even that can be overcome by someone determined to overeat.
  • WinterSkies
    WinterSkies Posts: 940 Member
    I have been walking five days a week usually for 30 minutes to an hour. I have lost 3.2 pounds so far. I'm feeling great.

    Good for you! When you hit a plateau, or eat more than your goal, hang on to that feeling! There are times when you'll feel like nothing is working, and you're not making any progress, but you are. It's just not linear. I find that's one of the things I struggle with a lot - I feel like I'm making a big effort but getting nowhere. Then I look at my progress over the last couple of months, and feel so much better.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I have been walking five days a week usually for 30 minutes to an hour. I have lost 3.2 pounds so far. I'm feeling great.

    That's awesome! Great update. Take photos along the way to keep your motivation later.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    I don't want to "diet" because I know they don't work long term. I'm looking for something more of a change in my eating habits.

    And that's the key. Relearning eating habits and training your body and brain to recognize proper portions is hard and slow, but the end result is you losing the weight and having the tools and knowledge to KEEP it off.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    Great job on the walking part - as you do it more and more - try to pick up the pace or add some hand weights to it. Since you are doing it over lunch I know you can't go longer.....I have that issue as well - no matter what I can't get more than about 15 min in if I eat too....but I can work it harder!

    Ok - next - take things as far as food one step at a time. Look at a meal you typically eat - and figure out how to adapt/reduce/or substitute something to it - that way you don't feel deprived. I can still eat a small burger and snitch a few of my kids' fries and be way better off than eating a big mac and large fries. I know my downfall is soda/pop - I have to give it up entirely - now I carry a water bottle all day. One the water helps keep me full so I don't eat - and sometimes you really are thirsty rather than hungry.

    It really is small changes that you can sustain over time - and then adding to it as you go along. The simplest advice was already given - eat less, move more!
    Good luck
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    Thank you everyone for the wonderful advice, suggestions and reading materials. Equus, I'm taking baby steps and I walk for thirty minutes a day during my lunch break. It's with a group. It's not a power walk. I can talk while walking but that's about it.

    Swink, I think I'm more a creature of habit. I eat because it's there. I'm trying to instead snack healthy. I have found several healthy recipes from a variety of websites that I'm trying to put to good use. It's so much easier to buy something up from the store than to take the time to create something healthy but I'm trying to change my mind set about things. Logging everything has really been an eye opener for me. I mean, who know Starbucks Carmel Apple Spice had that many grams of sugar. That's like diabetes in a cup.

    I have found that Cooking Light has some great tasting recipes that are just as filling as something from take out. Maybe you'd enjoy learning to cook healthy? I have found some absolute winner recipes for the dinner table, and CL has already figured out the portion sizes and nutritional info for me! I have so many of their cookbooks and a friend bought me a subscription to their magazine for a year. It's actually been fun learning to cook lighter.

    Also, I snack on those little, fresh, sweet peppers and baby carrots. Very filling. (And be prepared to feel hungry-it's OK.) ;)