Anyone cook and eat actual meals most/all days?



  • tarayatesgosse
    You are right , it is hard. It is not possible for me to cook lunch while at work , even though I work in a kitchen, so I have have a meal for lunch and breakast I keep small like oatmeal just because I like to keep my calories low to start my day....because I always cook dinner and they have way more calories.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I almost always cook if I'm home. I love to cook, it can be a blessing or a downfall cuz I always have stuff in the fridge that temp you to munch on sometimes.but looking at alot of restaurant calories it is much healthier eating home cooked meals. And I feel good being able to make really good meals for my family.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    I plan meals and cook ahead for a week of lunches for both myself and my bf, I also plan and shop for what I will make for dinners and snacks for the week. Usually chicken, pork, turkey or salmon w sweet potato, rice, barley or spaghetti squash and all kinds of mixes of veggies (roasted, steamed, sauté, etc). Me and my bf love sauté spinach so that is on the menu at least once a week!
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I make some meals that hold up well cause it is just me (soups, salads)
    I cook various components like grilling a bunch of chicken tenders, veggies par=cooked to be quickly finished on a rough day. Even salmon and mahi can be cooked ahead and pumped up for tacos, of salad with pasta or all veggies.
    I love to cook.....

    My diary of the past week is NOT good cause of stress but further back looked better and I am getting my self back on track now.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I cook actual meals, from scratch, albeit simple meals, and my diary is open.
  • Strangelyinsane
    Strangelyinsane Posts: 120 Member
    Remember that certain foods have a certain flavor profile w different spices.

    ie Creole/Cajun - onions, garlic, green pepper, garlic, paprika, cayenne, thyme, parsley.
    Curry - garlic, ginger, curry, coriander, cumin, hot chili paste, lemongrass, cilantro.
    Asian - garlic, onions, soy sauce, ginger, hoisin, chili flakes, fish sauce, lemongrass, rice wine vinegar.
    Mexican - garlic, onions, cumin, chili powder, oregano, cilantro.
    French - shallots, garlic, thyme, lemon, tarragon, parsley.
    Mediterranean - garlic, onions, shallots, basil, oregano, red pepper flakes, parsley, lemon, rosemary, oregano.

    ^^Nicely done^^ Your flavor profiles match my experience. I cook nearly every breakfast and dinner. Lunch is usually a 'Lean Cusine' type microwave concoction. I use a crock pot a couple of times per week for pork roast (Costco's sirloin tip pork roast) or chicken hind quarters (skinless with excess fat removed). The varieties are endless. Curries work particularly well.
  • LeakieChan
    LeakieChan Posts: 31 Member
    while my snacks consist mostly of fruits and vegetables, my main meals are normally close to a actual meal, I love making wraps.

    "Ole Mexican foods: Xtreme wellness tomato basil wrap" with the 90 calorie meat packets, I use half. a 4th of a cup of low fat cheese, lettuce, tomato, and the Dannan Oiko's roasted pepper dip. it's so good.

    I did get a recipe from a friend, My family LOVED it and keep asking me when i'm going to make it again.

    sometimes with dinner I will cheat and have a Marie calendars lean meal or a healthy choice.
  • willnevergiveup
    willnevergiveup Posts: 138 Member
    I do. I eat the same things for breakfast every day -- two slices bacon, one egg, a dozen berries, coffee with cream for breakfast . For lunch I have a handful of multi-grain crackers, an ounce of cheddar cheese, a dozen olives, and a few berries. Sometimes a big salad with a large variety of vegetables, leftover cooked chicken, and no dressing. Sometimes I'll have a dozen small multi-grain crackers and a can of sardines. Dinner is usually meat (chicken, fish,shrimp, hamburger patty, sometimes steak) always broiled or baked with herbs and, if necessary, olive oil. I use a mix of ground nuts/flax seed bread crumbs to coat chicken or fish. I always have a huge salad and no dressing . A few days I week I'll have half a glass of red wine with dinner. Snacks include a handful of nuts, a couple of flax seed cookies (made with coconut oil), a little fruit in season (cherries, raspberries, strawberries), a half a small apple with a teaspoon of peanut butter, or I'll toast a piece of flax seed bread and sprinkle it with Splenda and cinnamon/

    My husband is retired. I work a few days a week and bring my lunch on those days. I don't eat sardines on the days I work. LOL My children are all grown. It's a bit harder when they and my grandchildren come visit and I'm cooking, but I can usually manage to stay within my goals (less than 60 net carbs and less than 1400 calories a day). It's working for me. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water every day is important.

    We live out in the country and it's a most of the day, 60-90 mile trip, to go shopping, do errands, etc. and then we eat out. This doesn't happen often, perhaps once a month or so. Sometimes I send my husband out to do this by himself and I stay home. If I go to a fast food place I'll order the grilled chicken sandwich with just a slice of tomato and some lettuce (no bun, no sauce). I seldom drink diet soda. A special treat for me is air popped popcorn with melted butter and a diet Dr. Pepper.
  • Sharonneaton
    Sharonneaton Posts: 15 Member
    Yes I cook from scratch every day and put together actual meals. I watch my BP pretty close so I have to.
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    I do! My diary is open if you want to have a look :)
  • Raddichio
    Raddichio Posts: 163 Member
    Wow! Great responses. I haven't read all of them yet, as MIL fell today and had to be taken to the hospital to be checked out. I will, though, and I'm looking forward to it.

    I just wanted to mention that I received several friend requests from this thread, which I do appreciate. However, I'm not the best of friends, as I don't chat a lot or send out messages of encouragement all the time. I don't want anyone to interpret that as lack of interest or engagement. I tend to get on this site, log food, read a little (maybe respond to one or two posts), and get off again. I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to do as a friend on this site.