Need motivation and diary sharing !

Add me so we can motivate each other and share our diaries for ideas! Topazgal is the name! :)


  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am headed to NOLA in October. 40 weeks from today. I refuse to need a seatbelt extender on the plane. So the weight has to go.
  • topazgal
    topazgal Posts: 51 Member
    May I ask what NOLA is?
  • rkpixler
    rkpixler Posts: 26 Member
    Add me, I had lost 40lbs then got pregnant with my second son and gained it all back during the pregnancy, then had a 3rd son very quickly after. I am now ready to get back to business (and there will be no more babies! Lol) and to help push me, we decided to run the Disneyland Avengers 5k with my oldest son who is 7, and the 10k as a couple! The agreement is that I have to be able to at least run the 5k for us to go and I refuse to let my boys down!!!!!!
  • topazgal
    topazgal Posts: 51 Member
    Sure will add you!! Way to go for the 5K! i wish I could run. I do alot of walking though :)
  • rkpixler
    rkpixler Posts: 26 Member
    I sent you a request already! :)
  • wrkout70
    wrkout70 Posts: 1 Member
    New Orleans Louisiana (NOLA)
  • topazgal
    topazgal Posts: 51 Member
    Oh thanks lol
  • anrebr88
    anrebr88 Posts: 4 Member
    I have a hard time getting motivated to exercise. I know I know it is a new year and people rarely stick to their goals, but I need a life changing one. My Eczema has gotten worse over the years, and gluten free diet is what helps keep it under control. I'm 9 days in without gluten, or very little in my diet (it hides in everyday foods).... I also have been up to 4 days a week sit ups and planks in the mornings! I hate getting up and doing it, there is no motivation for me to do it, but once I start working out in the morning I'm good, it's just getting there!
  • wanna_be_fit_
    wanna_be_fit_ Posts: 7 Member
    send me a request. i need motivation and opinions when it comes to my diary
  • topazgal
    topazgal Posts: 51 Member
    Will do! :)
  • jentroeger
    jentroeger Posts: 14 Member
    Add me too! I'm looking for friends to stay motivated! I've been on this journey since October and have a few more lbs to go. My food diary is open to friends.
  • topazgal
    topazgal Posts: 51 Member
    Will do!
  • multivenue
    multivenue Posts: 11 Member
    Me too please! My diary is open to friends. New here, finally getting the diet under control and back on fitness blender
  • topazgal
    topazgal Posts: 51 Member
  • ProfDawnLee
    ProfDawnLee Posts: 127 Member
    add me! Open diary...
  • Skytha
    Skytha Posts: 8 Member
    I have an open diary as well and am looking for different ideas, especially when it comes to getting enough protein. Feel free to add.
  • KetoLady86
    KetoLady86 Posts: 337 Member
    Hey! I know this is old, but Im in NOLA too :)