weight loss

Hi I have to lose 100 lbs. considering gastric bypass surgery but have to lose 40-50 lbs before that. Any suggestions?


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    I lost 110 lbs with diet in exercise. This works. Add me and I'll cheer you on!
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    I have lost 120 pounds with a life style change. However I had a friend who got gastric bypass surgery. I think you need to look over your goals, pros and cons on each way and which would be the best for you. ^_^ This is YOUR journey make sure you are making choices based off your needs and wants!
  • selinamasi223
    selinamasi223 Posts: 3 Member
    I am new to this. How do I add you as friends?