Phentermine 37.5 any results?



  • Paul1776
    Paul1776 Posts: 1
    I couldn't take the phentermine BUT there is also Cytomel if you are hypothyroid. My tsh was normal but I had all of the symptoms. You may also have symptoms of being hypothyroid.

    Cytomel either alone (with Take Shape For Life) or in addition to the phentermine will get it off for sure. Cytomel is a type of thyroid -t3. Regular thyroid medicine doesnt do the same thing(its t4,synthroid)

    My self and others have lost a bunch of weight with this medication. I have seen people lose up to 20 lbs/month ONLY using Cytomel and Take Shape For Life. It just melts the fat off. Ive seen it happen with my daughter and others. Hope this helps!
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    from a guys perspective and f you were my wife or daughter, I'd say lose by following a good healthy lifestyle, even if it means not losing all the weight by the cruise. Hubby isn't going to love you any less and losing slowly and the right way will ensure you keep it off
  • clairedrose
    clairedrose Posts: 121 Member
    I took a version of this year's ago. My heart was racing. I lost 15 pounds in a week,which scared me. Too fast to be healthy. I stopped after a week and gained 20 pounds back. A friend who continued landed in the hospital. Don't do it. The cruise is a few days of your life,but you could be risking so much more.
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    I tried this drug several years ago when I was in my mid 30s. My weight had crept up from 135 to about 155. My efforts to lose it by my typical means -- i.e. the crash dieting that had "worked" for me when I was younger were no longer working. I figured this was b/c I was older and my metabolism was slowing down so I "had to" try something else. Well my metabolism wasn't working well due to years of yo-yo dieting, and taking this pill only added to that problem in the end. I took it for about 3 weeks and was also put on a very low carb/low fat/high protein diet by the "doctor" (I eventually wanted to go back and club that quack over the head for prescribing this sh** to me) -- I basically popped a pill and ate can of tuna a few times a day (joyful way to live right?) and I lost about 10 pounds, very quickly. I also did not sleep for 3 DAYS AND 3 NIGHTS in a row, I kid you not. I was wired tighter than a timex and felt like I was coming out of my skin the whole time. But what really sealed it was when I tried to go for a slow, easy run one day and I swear to God my heart was pounding so hard and so fast I seriously thought I was having a heart attack -- I was absolutely terrified I was going to drop dead right there in the park. This should really not have surprised me because it is basically speed that I was taking. I threw them away after that, then no big surprise, started bingeing on carbs and gained about 14 lbs in a couple of weeks.

    Listen, I completely understand the urge to try something -- anything -- to lose the weight, believe me I've done it all and I have no judgment for others on this issue. But that little episode actually shook some sense into me and for the first time in my life I gave up dieting and gave up believing in anything that sounded too good or easy to be true when it came to my weight. I started using an app that tracked my calories and set a goal of losing 1/2 pound a week -- not this one, a far inferior app ;-) but it was good enough at the time. The app told me to eat. Food. Quite a bit of it. After about a month I started to lose about a 1/2 pound a week. That first month was my metabolism thinking "yeah right, you're gonna eat, good one -- I'll believe it when I see it." 10 months later, I was at 135, eating food, quite a bit of it, every day and whaddaya know, metabolism fully operational. Four yours later, I'm maintaining there with very little thought put into it. Slow yes. But real, and healthy, and with the opposite effect of making me fearful of dropping dead quite prematurely.

    To the OP -- I may be way off here and forgive me if this is overly intrusive, but I can't help but wonder if your body may still be recovering from months of hormonal turmoil. I'm not medical but it's my understanding that hormones can play a big role especially w/ women's metabolism. Not to mention coming off an emotional roller coaster marked by what I assume has to be an awful lot of grief -- both of these might make weight loss a little tougher for any woman. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. I hope you'll give yourself, body included, time, resources, tools and permission to recover at the rate you need. I know you have a goal of how you want to look for your cruise, I totally get that. But I encourage you to consider using the MFP tracker along w/ a reasonable exercise plan to pursue weight loss -- yes, at a slower rate -- but by healthier means b/c I think you'll more likely see the long term results you want that way, and I believe with far less risk. All my best to you -- and enjoy your cruise!!
  • bakerygirl78
    I quit taking Phentermine 10 days ago because I was fed up with all the crazy side effects. I lost 14lbs in 6 weeks, which was awesome but I put my body and mind through waaaaay too much! I experienced major side effects in my first two weeks then other milder side effects after that. Just to mention a few - depression,anxiety, insomnia, major mood swings, dizzy spells.
    I finally said enough, this isn't worth it. I will settle for a 5-6 lb weight loss a month by eating healthy and exercising regularly to reach my goal. :)
  • Buzymomof_3
    Buzymomof_3 Posts: 73 Member
    I've never heard of Phentermine before today, but if it's goal is to curb your hunger you might consider acupuncture. A friend of mine did it years ago and said she had to remind herself to eat and that eating a simple boiled egg made her feel like she finished a thanksgiving meal. Just wanted to point out there are other options besides chemicals. My main problem is head hunger which is different from actual hunger. Getting to the gym a lot is what helps me, and I need to get back to it.

    Good Luck!
  • valjaffee
    valjaffee Posts: 3 Member
    I take Phentermine 30 mg but I also eat much healthier than I did before I started taking it, I drink a lot of water, and I actually exercise regularly. I had an EKG before i started taking it and every week when I go to the doctor to weigh in, they monitor my blood pressure and pulse. I was kinda worried at first because of everything I read but it has worked out really well for me. I started on March 8th and have lost 51.5 lbs so far. You can't expect to just take the pill, eat all the same foods, not exercise, and still lose weight. You basically are still going to have to change your lifestyle if you want to lose the weight and keep it off once you're done. However, your goal is totally possible, so stay determined :)

    I haven't had any health issues since I started taking it. Maybe see if your doctor can start you on the lower dosage?
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I took it for 2 months and lost 10 pounds. Haven't gained it back. With all medicine, you need to be aware of the side effects.

    I experienced that cocaine high feeling for 1 day. Maybe my results are different because I'm an ex coke head and have been clean for 7 years. So maybe I didn't get the daily energy boost people talk about because my brain knew there was a better high out there? I don't know. My heart rate did speed up a bit and I found myself clenching my jaw.

    The ONLY thing I hated about it was that it will suppress your appetite and you will not eat. That is not healthy. I guess the good side about that was I knew I still needed to consume my calorie intake so I was much more conscious about what I was putting in my body because I wasn't starving and just reaching for stuff. My doctor scheduled bi weekly blood pressure checks and when I lost that first 10, I told her I wanted to do the rest on my own.

    I've read that you cannot keep drinking caffeine while on it because it will make the heart racing feeling worse. I stopped drinking coffee and began drinking tea and like I said, I also ate even though my body was saying I wasn't hungry.

    With any medicine, there is going to be good and bad. I think with this drug, there is more good out there than there are bad. People who have bad experiences just speak up faster than someone who has a good experience.
  • ohaston
    ohaston Posts: 218 Member
    I took them years ago ... It took my appetite totally ! I couldn't eat ( or at least I would forget to) ... I made me extremely thirsty ( so I drank plenty of water) ... weigh was falling off in the first few weeks BUT by day 3 My heart would race and my left side would ache ... leg and arm! So I decided that I would break the pill in half ... and the same thing happened.... So I got off of them for a few weeks and started back again ... and so did the results .. So I did some research and found that this drug can have horrible side effects ... palpitations, raised heart rate, cotton mouth ... *just to name a few* ... AND no matter what ... If you don't change your lifestyle and your mind (desires and ambitions) its highly like that you will gain the weight back as soon as the pills stop and your appetite returns! ...
  • ongard2000
    ongard2000 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I have been using the prescription version for a while but it seems to give a lot for side effects like headaches and sometimes vomiting. I know some people said that it works after taking for a month or so but I just can't take the side effects. A friend of mine recommended a natural version of phentermine that does a better job of get the weight off but with a lot less size effects. I have been taking it for almost 8 months now and have lost 25 pounds now. I am at 145 and keeps it going. Below is the link to the website if anyone wants to give it a try instead of using the prescription. In my opinion, it works wonder for me.
  • awebbeudora
    awebbeudora Posts: 5 Member
    sncroomes wrote: »
    I am 23 years old. I recently had a miscarriage 5 months ago. Ever since I lost the baby, I cannot seem to lose my weight. I was 4 months pregnant so I had gained quite a bit of weight. I am weighing in at 164 right now the HIGHEST my weight has EVER been. I went to the doctor today and I got a LIPO shot and a 30 day supply of Phentermine 37.5. I researched it a lot before I went and got on this and read about people seeing results daily. I did want to also ask you guys have any of you seen any results? I have a cruise to go on in 77 days and I am trying to lose at least 25 pounds before the cruise. My goal weight is 125 which will have me losing 39 pounds if all goes well. I know that it does not happen over night, I know that I will have to exercise and also watch what I eat, but I am determined!!! I am so glad that I have joined myfitnesspal and hope that you guys will be able to encourage me along this journey as well as I hope to be able to encourage others.


    Hi Nicole!
    I am so sorry to hear about your loss, I can't even begin to imagine how hard that has been for you and how that has now affected you emotionally and how it also correlates to your weight. I am also currently on phentermine and I am hopeful for the results. I started my weight loss journey on January 2nd 2017 at my all time high weight off 255. I honestly am disgusted I let myself get that bad but here I am trying to fix it now. I was down to 229 before starting the phen and I have now been on it for one week and I am now at 223. I have not noticed any serious bad side affects the only thing I have noticed is a slightly drier mouth, which I need to be drinking more water anyways so I don't look at it like a serious down side. At this point I am just hopeful that it will help me reach my goals faster but I am not depending on it. Best of luck I hope this helps you get the weight off but then also you are able to keep it off because right now that's what I am most worried about!
  • rach106
    rach106 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I've been taking phentermine 30mg for the past week. I should mention I live in the u.k and got this from a weight loss clinic. My bmi is 28. I know that may not sound like a huge amount to be taking phen but I feel like if I don't get this under wraps at this stage it will just spiral out of control. My bmi has hovered around the 26 mark for the last few years and it's been ten years since I was probably in the healthy category. I also realise bmi isn't the best tool, however I am definitely not a bodybuilder or super athlete with muscles I can contribute the weight to.
    Back to the point....I have take 2.5/pills spread out over the last week. I.e 1 pill 1st and 3r day and half on the 5th day. My appetite was/ is suppressed completely. Have to force myself to eat. No craving what so ever. Bit jittery and hyper but nothing too severe. I can take one pill and not feel hungry for two days. Seems to last really long. I may become adjusted but after 1/week and only taking a total of 2.5 pills, I have lost 5lbs. I realise a lot of this is water but it's the most I've managed to lose in a long time. Helped me stick to a diet plan that would previously last half a day. For using short term use and to retrain eating patterns it's fantastic.