Dieting again!

Hi, 51yr old female Nottingham trying to lose weight. Looking for inspiration!
Currently trying to convince myself to go to the gym!


  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    check out the success story section. I'm sure you will find many that reflect your current hopes and dreams. I will say, if you hate the gym, dont go. Do you like walking? do that. Hiking? Do that. Riding a bike? Do that. You dont need to go to the gym to lose weight. best of luck
  • foreverslim1111
    foreverslim1111 Posts: 2,613 Member
    On MFP we don't call it dieting. It's more [CICO], like eat less - move more. No need to deprive yourself of favorite foods, just measure/weigh and fit into your calorie count. Much easier to lose weigh eating foods you love than depriving yourself. As for the gym - Go to the same one at the same day or days at the same time of day and you might find it easy to make friends. I have a group of other people that go to my gym on my same schedule and now we get together for lunch about once a month. Makes gym workouts fun and social and gives me incentive to keep up my routine.