Need support!!

I'm desperately trying to lose weight, I want to lose about 40lb, maybe a little more but I suffer really bad with depression and it gets very tempting to eat my emotions. I don't really have many people I can get support from so I was hoping to make a few supportive friends through these forums!
Thank you guys


  • schibsted750
    schibsted750 Posts: 355 Member
    Hey, I also joined MFP to lose 40 pounds that I gained because of depression. Feel free to add me.
  • gracepost123
    gracepost123 Posts: 81 Member
    I have issues with anxiety!! I'm desperate to lose 95 lbs. haha! There's so much support here it's crazy! So motivating :) add me if you want!!
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Depression. Next time you visit your doctor, get your Vitamin D levels checked. My one a day womens contains vitamin D.
  • KJ4health
    KJ4health Posts: 16 Member
    Depression. Next time you visit your doctor, get your Vitamin D levels checked. My one a day womens contains vitamin D.

    vit D for sure and ask about taking a fish oil supplement. Definitely helped with my mood!
  • Calamitycazza
    Calamitycazza Posts: 87 Member
    I suffer depression and anxiety too! feel free to add, I'd really appreciate the friendship and support :) x
  • kennspe01
    kennspe01 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been Using My Fitness Pal for 16 weeks.When I Do the calculation I am off by 20 pounds my five weeks forecast. Has anyone else hadThis situation?