Anyone on here with hypothyroidism?

Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
I'm currently taking synthroid 100mcg for about a year and a half now. I'm looking for friends that may be dealing with similar issues losing weight and/or similar symptoms from hypothyroidism (you know.. the random weight gain, GI problems, exhaustion, depression at times, leg pain, hair loss, all that fun stuff). Please feel free to add me so we can support eachother. Thanks in advance :happy:


  • drhunn1
    drhunn1 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes I suffer from this as well.
    I'm on Synthroid 175 but that's because they took my thyroid, so yes...ish. Join the club, My Friend
  • Anna_Joys_Journey
    Anna_Joys_Journey Posts: 253 Member
    Me too. 125mcg.
  • dngoins
    dngoins Posts: 20
    I have hypothyroidism and was diagnosed in December of last year. Until my doctor put me on Levothyroxin 25 mcg, 50,000 iu of vitamin D a week, 1000 mg of B 12 a day it was impossible for me to lose weight. I lost 14lbs in 2 months and then I just got lazy and didn't want to list every little thing I ate. Two nights ago I decided I was gonna try MFP and so far I like it. I was also diagnosed as pre-diabetic so I think it's really time for a change. I'm here to help any way I can. Good luck!!!
  • Reytor
    Reytor Posts: 26 Member
    I've been on Levothyroxine 100mcg for a few years now. I'll send you a friend request!
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    What "average range" does your doctor like to keep your TSH level at? Mine is currently a little above 4 and I've been told by my PCP that it should be lower but my endocrinologist hasn't adjusted my synthroid dosage in about 6 months now. What do you all think? Leave it alone or seek a second opinion?
  • thefitcompanion
    thefitcompanion Posts: 15 Member
    Twenty-five year old on Levo 100mcg, too, with many of the same symptoms.
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    I have hypothyroidism and was diagnosed in December of last year. Until my doctor put me on Levothyroxin 25 mcg, 50,000 iu of vitamin D a week, 1000 mg of B 12 a day it was impossible for me to lose weight. I lost 14lbs in 2 months and then I just got lazy and didn't want to list every little thing I ate. Two nights ago I decided I was gonna try MFP and so far I like it. I was also diagnosed as pre-diabetic so I think it's really time for a change. I'm here to help any way I can. Good luck!!!

    I was just recently started on vitamin D as well. The same dosage. I take B12 as well but I'm pretty sure Its a lower dose, I can't remember it right now.
  • milesvictors
    milesvictors Posts: 83 Member
    Try going raw food vegan and eating as much food as you want. Seriously, knock back 2500-3000 calories of mostly raw, vegan foods. LOTS of fruits. It has been shown to "fix" messed up thyroids, help you lose weight, and feel way better. I eat a mostly raw vegan diet with a TON of fruits (made my way through 4 oranges and 2 large apples this morning as a SNACK) and still am losing weight and have energy to spare. Just an idea. Giver her a go!
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    Try going raw food vegan and eating as much food as you want. Seriously, knock back 2500-3000 calories of mostly raw, vegan foods. LOTS of fruits. It has been shown to "fix" messed up thyroids, help you lose weight, and feel way better. I eat a mostly raw vegan diet with a TON of fruits (made my way through 4 oranges and 2 large apples this morning as a SNACK) and still am losing weight and have energy to spare. Just an idea. Giver her a go!

    Looking at your ticker it seems to me like you sure know what you're talking about! Awesome job! I need to get myself to the farmers markets this weekend.
  • dngoins
    dngoins Posts: 20
    Try going raw food vegan and eating as much food as you want. Seriously, knock back 2500-3000 calories of mostly raw, vegan foods. LOTS of fruits. It has been shown to "fix" messed up thyroids, help you lose weight, and feel way better. I eat a mostly raw vegan diet with a TON of fruits (made my way through 4 oranges and 2 large apples this morning as a SNACK) and still am losing weight and have energy to spare. Just an idea. Giver her a go!

    I would starve to death if I did that. I am a BIG MEAT EATER. I'm not satisfied with a meal if I don't have meat!!!:bigsmile:
  • dngoins
    dngoins Posts: 20
    What "average range" does your doctor like to keep your TSH level at? Mine is currently a little above 4 and I've been told by my PCP that it should be lower but my endocrinologist hasn't adjusted my synthroid dosage in about 6 months now. What do you all think? Leave it alone or seek a second opinion?

    If I remember correctly my TSH level was 7 or 8
  • Anna_Joys_Journey
    Anna_Joys_Journey Posts: 253 Member
    Me too with the meat! I tried being a vegetarian for part of high school...didn't work. Give me a steak any day!!! ;-)
  • thefitcompanion
    thefitcompanion Posts: 15 Member
    Try going raw food vegan and eating as much food as you want. Seriously, knock back 2500-3000 calories of mostly raw, vegan foods. LOTS of fruits. It has been shown to "fix" messed up thyroids, help you lose weight, and feel way better. I eat a mostly raw vegan diet with a TON of fruits (made my way through 4 oranges and 2 large apples this morning as a SNACK) and still am losing weight and have energy to spare. Just an idea. Giver her a go!

    Many times, this may be the case. However, be sure to check with your physician before doing so. One of my aunts tried a similar diet (on top of a gluten free diet) for six months, and her body couldn't handle it. I tried something similar and experienced similar results (no fun!), and my physician decided the risks (including the B12 and D deficiencies I experienced no matter how much variety/combinations I ate) outweighed the benefits. I was disappointed - fresh veggies and fruit kick butt! - but I have seen the diet do great things in other people, so I'm definitely not opposed to it. It just didn't work for me because my body vetoed it. Boo/hiss.

    Water, prenatals, walking daily, reducing processed foods, and taking my thyroid under control have been a miracle for me, though. I have an unbelievable amount of energy. :)

    ETA: Good heavens, apparently I got stuck on the word "similar". :laugh:
  • Xtine72
    Xtine72 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 40 soon to be 41 and I've been dealing with hypo for about 10 years. I alternate 125 and 150 Levothyroxine. Recently had a health assessment through my insurance at work and was told I need to drop 10. Although I've been on MFP for years I can never seem to keep it off as my weight has yo-yo'ed. I also deal with loss of energy. Friend request sent!
  • LitaRose77
    LitaRose77 Posts: 124 Member
    *Waves hand* I'm in the club too. Granted, doctor only has me on 50Mcg, but it is enough to make weight loss tricky. I would love to do the fruits/veggies only diet, but being Type II Diabetic, I gotta be careful with sugar content in them.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    there are many of us here.
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I was diagnosed when I was still in middle school. I am now only a few weeks away from turning 29 (still shocked at the thought of almost being out of my 20's!) Back then I was horrible about taking my pill regularly. Then in college I just didn't care. I never really felt the symptoms -they were just normal to me.

    Over the past 5 years or so I have been to a number of doctors. Sadly, most of them care more about the numbers and not how I feel. I have also been to docs that use old, outdated "normal" ranges and severely under-treat (1 even refused to medicate). I was tired all the time and I kept gaining weight in pote of dieting and exercising.

    Currently I have been going to the same doc for more than 2 years. She has me up to 175 mcg and has said that she might send me to an endo if my next set of labs indicate that 175 isn't enough. I have only ever been treated by a PCP - never been to an endo.

    My biggest symptoms are:
    - difficulty losing weight - every pound is extremely hard earned, and I gain 2 pounds just looking at a brownie!
    - brittle, easily breakable nails - but prenatal vitamins are helping!
    - dry skin - my heals crack bad and my hands a red all winter long
  • TonicSapphire
    I became hypothyroid a few years after menopause. I take 100 mcg. Tirosint each day.
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    I've got hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed 20 years ago. I'm on Synthroid 175. I didn't start losing weight until I really decided to do something about it. That meant changing my eating habits and exercising. It's hard to do when your body says you're too tired but the more you exercise the easier it gets. I feel 20 years younger. :smile: