I need to get myself back in gear.

Hey everybody!

I've actively using MFP since July of last year, and have lost from 238lbs to 185. I was beyond ecstatic when the weight started to fall off thanks to eating better & exercising daily. I was a machine for all of those months, and had to basically make myself take a day off from running because I enjoyed it so much.

I'm not sure what happened, maybe I slacked off due to the holidays or maybe it was one of the times I got a sick, but I have completely lost my motivation :/ I have to make myself get on the treadmill, and have only managed to keep it up a couple times a week. The only thing I've been able to stick to is eating right, but that will only go so far ya know?

I'm so upset with myself because this weight loss has tremendously improved my all around mental and physical health. My anxiety became almost non existent (I think because i was keeping myself busy), and my dermatitis cleared up completely. I feel so much better about myself when I'm taking care of my body.

I still have about 30lbs to lose before I reach my goal weight. I refuse to give up, but I need to figure out a way to get out of this rut.

Does anyone have any advice on how to get my drive back? Any help would be greatly appreciated. (=


  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    Burn out can happen, and you're not the first to do it. Put a big copy of your before and after from your profile pic on the mirror. Then write on it things like you mention with your anxiety being less of a problem, and anything else you benefit from daily due to your changes.

    Eating right is a big part of the battle for most people. And lots of people get the winter blahs. Just get out and do something when you can, and soon the days will be longer. It's always worth it.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    I agree with Robert, it could just be seasonal.
    I also don't see anything wrong with a maintenance break, provided it really is intentional & you stay mindful through the process. You made a BIG change!
    And you might consider a goal shift for a time... Plowing thru weight loss targets can get tedious. Maybe try training for an event or mastering a new sport as a break in your focus.
    Best wishes to you. You've done great!
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    edited January 2016
    I agree with previous replies - could be the season. I live in Northern Europe and use a sun lamp (Lumio) which is great to help me 'wake' up every morning even when it is dark out. I am in a blah-plateau too. still losing but very slowly. What is helping me is to undertake non-scale tasks. Sorting through all my clothes - finally getting rid of stuff that I know I will never wear. remaking my wardrobe with smaller clothes. And keeping an eye on clothes I still have yet to fit into. Also went shopping and got a new hair cut. Little things help me get through the days and then pounds come of, albeit slowly. I really like scolaris' suggestion about a new sport... I started yoga this week and that is, like, woah. Really great. Maybe that would work for you, too. Good luck and keep your eye on your goal.