It's just Sparkles

Hi everybody. I guess since I'm gonna do all this, I might as well introduce myself too and hopefully make some friends who can relate to my situation.

So... I'm Sparkles ... just a nerdy girl who needs to get her butt in shape.

I have yoyo-ed with my weight most of my life. In ten years, my skinniest was a size 1 (0 was just too tight) and my largest was size 18! I'm only 5'2 so where 18 might be just kinda overweight for some people, I was a beach ball. Right now, I'm about a size 4 or 6... Depending on the clothes and depending on the day! Still a yo yo.

But I'm so out of shape and I've gained weight over the holidays (of course). So, I do want to lose weight (the holiday weight and then some), but mostly I know I just gotta get healthy. And if I change my lifestyle to a healthier one, I know the weight loss will follow.... Probably. :smile:

The hardest part, however is my self esteem... I still feel like size 18. I KNOW I'm not. I know I'm obviously not that far gone anymore. The numbers themselves prove it. And I know it's already an accomplishment to have lost that much (despite the yo yo-I got I never got up that high again once I lost it. The new top of the yo yo is size 10). But I just can't get away from Size 18 Sparkles.

Anyways, hopefully setting and achieving goals will result in some better self esteem as well. If anyone has actually read all this, thanks for putting up with my rambling! :wink:


  • EleanorLynn1989
    EleanorLynn1989 Posts: 130 Member
    Good luck! Hopefully you'll find the motivation you need and get to where you want to be. You'll eventually get there.