Who works on foot and has a Fitbit??

I work in fast food in a city centre so there is a lot of walking. I did a 8 hour shift today and i have to wear my Fitbit on my ankle. It's my first time using it and it said I burned 1,000 calories from working today? Would this be true because I don't want to gain weight by eating too many of the calories back. Thanks!


  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    What kind of fitbit did you get? They are made to be worn on your wrist or at your waist depending on which model you got. Wearing it on you able is likely making it more inaccurate. Also, the fitbit seems to adjust to your stats and get more accurate the more you wear it. The number seems a little high, so maybe eat back half for a week or two (when you're wearing it correctly) and see if it's still giving you the same readings.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    We need more information to help.

    What's your current height & weight? What activity level did you set on MFP? How many steps did you take?

    Keep in mind that wearing the Fitbit on the ankle is not as accurate as wearing it on the wrist. If you can't ever wear it on your arm, I recommend returning the one you got and getting a Zip or a One, as those can be clipped to a pocket.

  • FitKat123
    FitKat123 Posts: 71 Member
    I personally wouldn't trust it at first. It took me a couple of days to feel comfortable. I usually wear mine as a necklace because I was getting too many steps by just using my hands. And then I set it as being on my dominant hand to make it less sensitive. Then I checked my stride length several times walking a known distance. I feel pretty comfortable wth accuracy now but still like to check the graph to see if if shows steps when I know I wasn't moving. Many people advise not eating back all the extra calories due to possible inaccuracy, but I look at that as a personal judgement call. Good luck and have fun.
  • bubble_wrap0428
    bubble_wrap0428 Posts: 88 Member
    I work in a restaurant all day and have been wearing it consistently and I burn quite a bit every shift too. I always walk 10,000 steps every time I work as well. I would say it's being pretty accurate but I always just go with that it's over estimating a bit.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I am on my feet all day taking care of animals and I wear a fitbit. So far today (I worked today) I have 1139 exercise calories at 12941 steps.

    I have found the fitbit adjustments to be pretty reliable.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    To clarify: Did you earn 1000 calories worth of "Fitbit Calorie Adjustment" or did you burn 1000 calories, including your BMR?
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    With no given extra information, the most generic response is that most people find their Fitbit adjusts to be reliable if you have your MFP settings set at sedentary. However, because it's new, it's not going to be as accurate because it's trying to learn. I think I read somewhere that it takes 2-3 weeks for it to start becoming truly accurate.

    I would be a little nervous for wearing it on the ankle though. They aren't designed to be there, and it could fudge the numbers slightly.
  • dujyandco
    dujyandco Posts: 90 Member
    I think you burned those calories through both.... the 'time' you put into your day, plus the exercise. Not an 'extra' 1000 calories, but the thousand for the day (up to that time), including your steps. You'll burn calories just by breathing and digesting.

    For example, I have the Charge HR. If I want to isolate my walk, like today, since my fitbit already said 600 or 800 calories for the day burned (though I had hardly done more than sleep and fix a smoothie), when I started my walk, I started the timer. That way, I could isolate my walk, and know exactly how many calories for the walk, how many miles, kilometers, steps, and heart rate bpm.

    I sent mine to Sedentary, so it counts what I do, not what it thinks I'll probably do.
  • ilorraine221
    ilorraine221 Posts: 7 Member
    Sounds about right. I'm on my feet all day. I average 10,000 + steps and about 2100-2300 calorie burn/day.
  • crodriguez0223
    crodriguez0223 Posts: 6 Member
    I work at a restaurant also and on a mid shift (10-8) I put in 15k in steps. I have a surge Fitbit and I love it. I still just hit my calorie intake as my fitnesspal says to hit. I have lost 80 pounds in 10 months and I enjoy every minute of my new journey. If you need any help or anything just send me a friend request.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I work on a ward and my last two 12.5hr shifts I walked 10.02 and 8.65 miles & burnt 2769 and 2665 calories. Even on a 6 hour shift I can burn close to 2000.

    I used to have my Garmin watch in my pocket at work, at first it appeared fine but then it showed low readings, once I got a fitbit again I could totally see a difference.