I am a sugar addict.



  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    edited June 2016
    I am hypoglycemic before puberty, I didn't care for sweets. If someone gave me an option between ice cream form the truck or broccoli with cheese, I'd have chosen; the broccoli with cheese. Currently it's 50/50. I find that diabetics crave sugar & hypoglycemics don't as much. However for when I either need sugar or just crave it, I chew a glucose tablet & that usually works, with minimal calories; to curb my craving. While the glucose tablets're marketed for diabetics, their safe for hypoglycemics & others but they shouldn't be treated like candy, beyond possibly one; once a day because they aren't candy.
  • JesusFanatic7
    JesusFanatic7 Posts: 3 Member
    The best brand of coconut chips I've found is Simple Truth Organic at Kroger.
  • MermaidsWhimsy66
    MermaidsWhimsy66 Posts: 14 Member
    Try the carb night diet. It's the best thing I have done recently. I was craving everything before it. Now I crave barely anything. I am in shock.
  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    hauteswan wrote: »
    Try the carb night diet. It's the best thing I have done recently. I was craving everything before it. Now I crave barely anything. I am in shock.

    What is the carb night diet?
  • Annahbananas
    Annahbananas Posts: 284 Member
    I highly doubt being breast fed mothers milk as an infant causes a lifelong downward spiral of sugar addiction. I also do not believe suger is as addictive as heroin. If that was the case, I'd be pretty messed up right now.

    When i started to diet all I did was cut down on calories. Yeah, I still have sugar from time to time but I eat sugar just like everything else: in moderation and keeping my caloric intake under control.

    The thing about low carb....my opinion only, is that you cut certain foods out entirely. To me, that's not setting up habits for a lifetime of success and it only builds up an insatiable desire to eat the foods you no longer can eat.

    For me, I am not restricted on what I eat....it's how much I can eat and so far I have lost more weight doing it this way (and after too) vs a low fat or a low carb diet. 60 lbs since the Feb 22 2016.."and I can eat a bowl of pasta if I want or some skinny cow ice cream or anything else really.

    Calorie intake + exercise = success
    My outtake anyways
  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    I highly doubt being breast fed mothers milk as an infant causes a lifelong downward spiral of sugar addiction. I also do not believe suger is as addictive as heroin. If that was the case, I'd be pretty messed up right now.

    When i started to diet all I did was cut down on calories. Yeah, I still have sugar from time to time but I eat sugar just like everything else: in moderation and keeping my caloric intake under control.

    The thing about low carb....my opinion only, is that you cut certain foods out entirely. To me, that's not setting up habits for a lifetime of success and it only builds up an insatiable desire to eat the foods you no longer can eat.

    For me, I am not restricted on what I eat....it's how much I can eat and so far I have lost more weight doing it this way (and after too) vs a low fat or a low carb diet. 60 lbs since the Feb 22 2016.."and I can eat a bowl of pasta if I want or some skinny cow ice cream or anything else really.

    Calorie intake + exercise = success
    My outtake anyways

    I agree with you that some people don't have an issue with carbohydrates. You sound like one of them. Just like some people have a reaction to shellfish or peanuts, some people have a reaction to carbohydrates called insulin resistance.

    People think that diabetics get fat and then become diabetic. That's true but there body was already damaged before the weight gain it is called insulin resistance. In this condition when you eat normal food insulin stored most of it into fat before it can be used for fuel. There for you eat more and are always hungry.

    Low carb diets work well for people who have gained weight but not diabetic yet. If they are lucky they can avoid diabetes all together.

    The idea that sugar is adictive as heroine is not opinion it was a study where they watched the brain be stimulated while people are sugar and it released the sane chemicals as heroine did it was a large study on thousands of people.

    If you are addicted to sugar then you may be one of those people who can do certain drugs and not get addicted. Congratulations.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    You mean the same chemicals released as any other pleasurable activity? Plus there is a world of difference between heroine and sugar. How many sugar addicts require acute hospitalization when going through withdrawl or they will die. How many sugar addicts will binge on vegetables because they contain sugar? (Alcoholics will drink mouthwash and hand soap drug addicts will take Imodium and gravol when they can't get their drug of choice).

    Alsoost of the reports are based on rat/mice studies where they offer either drugs or sugar and they choose sugar. Well, most animals and people will choose food over a drug they are not addicted too
  • JesusFanatic7
    JesusFanatic7 Posts: 3 Member
    Breast milk contains no fructose. White sugar is 50% fructose.
  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    Breast milk contains no fructose. White sugar is 50% fructose.

    I didn't know that.
  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    You mean the same chemicals released as any other pleasurable activity? Plus there is a world of difference between heroine and sugar. How many sugar addicts require acute hospitalization when going through withdrawl or they will die. How many sugar addicts will binge on vegetables because they contain sugar? (Alcoholics will drink mouthwash and hand soap drug addicts will take Imodium and gravol when they can't get their drug of choice).

    Alsoost of the reports are based on rat/mice studies where they offer either drugs or sugar and they choose sugar. Well, most animals and people will choose food over a drug they are not addicted

    Yes there is a big difference between the 2, and yes your right to point out that heroin has other physiological effects on the body this is a big part of the withdrawl. The study i read only said that sugar stimulates the same place in the brain. Not just the endorphins that are released.

    People do have withdrawl when they give up sugar some call it the keto flu. Sugar dosent enslave you physically as well.

    Your point is well taken but I don't think it changes the general assumption.
  • JaneSnowe
    JaneSnowe Posts: 1,283 Member
    edited June 2016
    Yes there is a big difference between the 2, and yes your right to point out that heroin has other physiological effects on the body this is a big part of the withdrawl. The study i read only said that sugar stimulates the same place in the brain. Not just the endorphins that are released.

    There seems to be a logical fallacy here--there is no part of the brain that is only stimulated by heroin. If there were and sugar also stimulated it, then it might be a valid point. The fact that a portion of the brain is stimulated by a variety of things does not mean that all those things are equal.
  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    Here is a study that supports the point I was trying to explore.

  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Breast milk contains no fructose. White sugar is 50% fructose.
    But diet breast milk contains aspartame. :o

    L:love: this was good.
  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    fearonp wrote: »
    Me too. I feel your pain. I can abstain from sugar for weeks but as soon as I allow myself a chocolate treat, I'm right back on the train. Using the nutrition analysis on this app shows me just how hard it is to not exceed the daily allowance of sugar, even when I am carefully avoiding refined sugar.
    Right now I'm encouraged: not eating it = not craving it. Good luck in your journey.

    So how are you doing on kicking your sugar addiction?
  • alexgirl06
    alexgirl06 Posts: 10 Member
    Thankfully there are times I crave salt more than sugar, but I have a similar problem. When I was a kid, I would pour sugar into my palm and eat it like that. I will sometimes do the same with salt, but in smaller amounts. I don't think you should completely deny yourself, but do it the right way. Small portions, a couple times a week, and cultivate a taste for fresh fruits in between. Stay away from white flours and white rice, though.

    Here's some good subs as well:
    Yogurt parfait with plain yogurt and fresh fruit. The juice from a ripe mango can really sweeten the yogurt.
    Coconut water with Chia seeds, 2 tablespoons of lime juice and 1 of honey. Mix. Leave in fridge overnight. Drink the next day.
  • ashbar9915
    ashbar9915 Posts: 11 Member
    Breast milk is actually very sweet. Sweeter than formula. (i'm a breastfeeding mother so I know this to be true lol) It also does contain sugar in the form of lactose. I don't think breastfeeding vs. formula feeding has much to do with a persons chance of growing up to be a "sugar addict" I think a persons adolescent and adult food choices have way more bearing on there predilection to crave sugar, than their infant diet.
  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    alexgirl06 wrote: »
    Thankfully there are times I crave salt more than sugar, but I have a similar problem. When I was a kid, I would pour sugar into my palm and eat it like that. I will sometimes do the same with salt, but in smaller amounts. I don't think you should completely deny yourself, but do it the right way. Small portions, a couple times a week, and cultivate a taste for fresh fruits in between. Stay away from white flours and white rice, though.

    Here's some good subs as well:
    Yogurt parfait with plain yogurt and fresh fruit. The juice from a ripe mango can really sweeten the yogurt.
    Coconut water with Chia seeds, 2 tablespoons of lime juice and 1 of honey. Mix. Leave in fridge overnight. Drink the next day.

    Thanks for your input.
  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    ashbar9915 wrote: »
    Breast milk is actually very sweet. Sweeter than formula. (i'm a breastfeeding mother so I know this to be true lol) It also does contain sugar in the form of lactose. I don't think breastfeeding vs. formula feeding has much to do with a persons chance of growing up to be a "sugar addict" I think a persons adolescent and adult food choices have way more bearing on there predilection to crave sugar, than their infant diet.

    I have tried breast milk and it wasn't sweet it was salty to me.... maybe your just sweet person? Lol.
  • Binotaur
    Binotaur Posts: 4 Member
    I hear you, sir! Former sugar addict myself. Then I switched to heroin.