60lbs to lose by August 20th 2016

aprilwebber Posts: 18 Member
edited January 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all!

I've always been a big girl and my weight has always fluctuated. Unfortunately in the last 4 years... Since meeting my wonderful fiance, I've let it go. I got comfy and fat. But I'm no longer comfortable with my size, or who I see in the mirror. I'm wonderfully supported by my man who loves me at any size (thank god) but I'm ready to make a serious change. August 20th 2016 is my wedding day, and I am making it my goal to lose 60lbs by that date.

I'd love to make some friends and some accountabili-buddies along the way because I know I can't do it alone! Thanks all :)


  • Goldfiver
    Goldfiver Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there. This year I am loosing 45lbs for ever. Last year I was called fatso, obese, and told by girlfriend that my best feature was my face, and she was not attracted by my physic as I let my fitness go away for a while. Friends needed to keep me motivated too and I will post pictures of any progress.
  • mooresy101
    mooresy101 Posts: 1 Member
    I will join you guys. I've always been bigger than other girls but I managed to get down to 10stone for my wedding, this resulted in a size 12 wedding dress. For me, that was amazing. However, I got pregnant pretty quickly and had our first daughter, 6months later I was pregnant again. 2 lots of pregnancy weight gain and been going up ever since. I'm now size 22 and hate every inch. I am too fortunate to have a husband who says he loves me regardless (we have been together 10years and he's also had a large weight gain). I want and need to lose a lot of weight. 100lbs would be perfect but I'd be okay will 70-80.

    My weakness is that I snack a lot. I have lost all control over what goes into my mouth. I sit and eat it and think "I shouldn't have had that" then tell myself "you're fat, so what?" And then I eat more :( I also do a lot of sitting around; I'm doing a law degree so it includes a lot of sitting intront of computers and books, I also have a 3 year old and a 2 year old so I don't have much spare time to spending 2 hours a day on exercise regimes.

    I'm gonna join you guys in this :) I'm sure we can do it!

  • asyk805
    asyk805 Posts: 125 Member
    I want to join in. I would be happy with 50 by then but to get to a healthy BMI need to lose 70.
    I'm looking hard at my food choices. I know the culprit lies there. I'm such an emotional eater and I'm a single mom. When he's here I do pretty well but when he's gone the depression sets in and I find myself eating everything. :(
  • aprilwebber
    aprilwebber Posts: 18 Member
    All of you are awesome!! I can definitely relate to each of your stories in different ways. I'd love to be in this together. I've yo-yo dieted my whole life, I bet if we really support each other and keep each other accountable we can totally do it!
  • Abbie918
    Abbie918 Posts: 120 Member
    Happy to support you all on the journey, too! I have about 60 pounds overall to lose, but I didn't set a timeline (I gained most of it AFTER my wedding, so while you're sweating-for-the-wedding, I'm just sweating!). Planning a big vacation with friends this summer though, so hoping to drop a big chunk before then so I don't feel gross in a bathing suit with all the skinny-minnines around me!
  • kesslemg
    kesslemg Posts: 47 Member
    Hi!! I would love to join you as well. I would like to lose about 30 lbs but probably should lose more like 50 lbs. I have 2 boys ages 10 & 7 1/2. I have just let myself go focusing more on them than myself. I do exercise 5-6 days a week but that doesn't balance out what I put in my mouth. I LOVE wine and often turn to that in the evenings after a stressful day to relax. My New Years resolution was to get my whole family to eat healthier. My boys are not veggie lovers but I would like them to at least eat a spoonful before eating all the carbs that they love so much. My main problem is logging my food I just get annoyed and frustrated and give up.
  • StayFocus4Life
    StayFocus4Life Posts: 6 Member
    Let's do it!

  • aprilwebber
    aprilwebber Posts: 18 Member
    The more the merrier! I've sent you all friend requests :)

    This is day 2 on the app for me, and I'm starting to get used to logging my food- it makes me realize what's going into my body which is a huge thing for me.

    I've always used food as comfort. And taken it to one extreme or another. As a teenager I lost weight in very unhealthy ways and obsessed over it, but eventually would put it all back on, get depressed and let myself go. The cycle went on and on. This time I want to do it healthy, right, and keep it off! The wedding is extra motivation! Plus I want to have children in the near future, and I want to be healthy when I conceive:)
  • StayFocus4Life
    StayFocus4Life Posts: 6 Member
    I was trying to decide when I would go back home (CT) to see my son and hang out with some friends. Your posts inspired me to lose the nagging 60 pounds and visit my son on August 20. Thanks for your help!
  • randilast
    randilast Posts: 99 Member
    Accountability partners are great! I'd love to join in. I've been on MFP for awhile but my logging tends to fluctuate. I've steadily lost some weight over the past year (20 pounds) but I have more to go. Looking forward to working with you all!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi, can i join please? I WAS an MFP success been on here on and off forever! I got to my goal, loved it was fit, healthy, wearing great clothes did a half marathon and I kinda maintained for a couple of years, by maintained i mean yo yoed within a stone. 4 and a bit years ago, when slim, I got into a different relationship, moved country, started working full time, been getting stressed, eating my way out of it and have completely lost the plot. I am now the heaviest I have been in my life - well im 2 lbs lighter than last week! I need to get focussed and stop looking at my mfp stats eg Oct 2011 whilst still in France I weighed 68lbs less than today....... 68lbs!!!! I will be 50 next month I am going through the menopause and I am sick of this. My other half is a bit of a feeder, loves food, loves me whatever size I am so I am trying to get through to him that I am sick of grunting when putting my shoes on!!!!

    If there is anyone on here who would like to go through this journey with me please add me - I cant even work out how to add friends now, the site has changed a bit!
    I am really peed off that I have to do this now, I do not want to even get down to my 68lb lower weight at this time, I might change my mind about that when i get the first 45 off though lol.
  • KarynsPlanit
    KarynsPlanit Posts: 1 Member
    How wonderful for you to have a great partner, and it looks like you already have a lot of support here on MyFitnessPal. I would love to join your crew of friends to see what we can lose over the next 8 months! Let's do this!
  • fitnforward
    fitnforward Posts: 62 Member
    I have 61 more to go myself. I've lost 4 so far with several inches. Feel free to add me!
  • msharrington315
    msharrington315 Posts: 199 Member
    Hi all!

    I've always been a big girl and my weight has always fluctuated. Unfortunately in the last 4 years... Since meeting my wonderful fiance, I've let it go. I got comfy and fat. But I'm no longer comfortable with my size, or who I see in the mirror. I'm wonderfully supported by my man who loves me at any size (thank god) but I'm ready to make a serious change. August 20th 2016 is my wedding day, and I am making it my goal to lose 60lbs by that date.

    I'd love to make some friends and some accountabili-buddies along the way because I know I can't do it alone! Thanks all :)

    It is definitely doable with a lot of hard work and dedication. I lost 200+ lbs in 11 months all naturally through modifying what I ate over time and exercise.

    Feel free to add me. The hardest part for people is not so much knowing what to do, it is how you get your mind in a place to do it.
  • RnS2015
    RnS2015 Posts: 30 Member
    Feel free to add me as well!! I need more friends that will help motivate me!
  • christine0715
    christine0715 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been heavy since I was a child. It was very hard growing up as the fat girl in school. After 2 pregnancies and a deteriorating marriage my weight was out of control. After a divorce at the age of 40 I decided to take control of my life. I quit smoking at lost 80 pounds (at the same time). I managed to keep most of the weight off for 10+ years. Now with menopause and contentment (or should I say complacency?) I've put on weight over the past couple years. I am taking control again and am committed to losing 30 pounds over the next 6 months (my 55th birthday). I would love to take this journey with all of you if you will let me join you.
  • sooch30
    sooch30 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to join in too....I am in a similar situation. I've been with my other half for almost 16 years and he loves me the way I am, I've tried to make him understand that's great but I'm not happy with me. After 3 kids, a sedentary job, and really no time for myself I am out of shape (unless I consider round a shape).

    All 3 of my kids play soccer. I would love to be able to keep up with them and get back into the game myself.

    I'm starting with small goals... 10 pounds before my next dr. appointment in March, cleaner eating, and being more active. I am also starting back at the gym before work. Oh 4am...why do you have to be so early??

  • aprilwebber
    aprilwebber Posts: 18 Member
    This is awesome!! This is my 2nd day on MFP and I was not expecting such a response! Let's do this, we can kick *kitten* together :) feel free to add me! We can keep each other on the ball.
  • KristinB2016
    KristinB2016 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I have a goal of 40 lbs to lose. I've always struggled with my weight but the past year i reached the heaviest point I have ever been and I'm uncomfortable with it. I'd love to join and help support everyone. Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • susanskavanaugh
    susanskavanaugh Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to join this group! I have read everything you have wrote and am shaking my head saying to myself, Yes I have that problem, and that problem and I am tired of the weight and not feeling good. I am 53 and menopausal and have quit smoking. I am ready to feel better. How do we all do this as a group. I am new to MFP.
  • MaGrl523
    MaGrl523 Posts: 101 Member
    60 pounds is a mid part for me. Sign me up!! :smiley:
  • BerylX
    BerylX Posts: 108 Member
    I have 76 lbs to lose, aiming for this summer to have it gone.
  • jenniplayer
    jenniplayer Posts: 2 Member
    Wow, I can so relate so much to this group. I lost 44 lbs last fall and I have let 10 come back on as of this am. I worked so hard for that loss. I just feel out of control and need to reign it in. I would love to follow this group. I am fairly new to this website so not sure if this post is going to right place. I will figure it out it eventually!!! This is giving me some motivation that I truly need!
  • tiffanysotoxo
    tiffanysotoxo Posts: 36 Member
    I would love to be apart of this! I'm trying to lose 80lbs but I'm starting off with losing 50lbs first hopefully by Summer. Anyone feel free to add me, I'm here to give support as much as possible.
  • ccgirl10
    ccgirl10 Posts: 8 Member
    I've struggled with my weight most of my life. I have tried most of the diets on the market and been part of several different gyms. I have worked with Personal Trainers and even did an extreme cleanse last January where I lost 20 lbs, but it came right back on and now I've gained even more. I am at my heaviest weight ever and need to stop making excuses and letting small failures derail my motivation. My self-esteem is at an all time low and I dread looking in the mirror or shopping for clothes. My husband is extremely supportive, but unfortunately working out with him can be frustrating because he is one of the lucky ones that can see results very quickly.

    Looking to lose 50-60 lbs not only for my health but also with the hopes of starting a family. I don't want my excess weight to affect my ability to conceive or jeopardize the health of my baby or myself during pregnancy. I started to see a nutritionist in December and will meet with her once a month to help with my accountability and she fully encourages me to use MFP!! Also got a Fitbit for Christmas from my very supportive family to get my butt moving because I too have a very sedentary job.

    Here's to getting rid of excuses and taking my life back!! Feel free to add me! Always looking for motivation and inspiration from those in similar situations :)
  • kmeadows225
    kmeadows225 Posts: 6 Member
    I would love to join in as well! I've also struggled with being overweight most of my life, but I'm really motivated to lose the weight once and for all! Support is always a great thing, so anyone feel free to add me!
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    I lost 60 lbs last year, have about 35 lbs to go to my goal weight. Feel free to add me. It's great to have friends that have similar goals.
  • asyk805
    asyk805 Posts: 125 Member
    How is everyone doing today?
    So far I am on track.
    I had 2 egg whites for breakfast.
    A salad from Subway for lunch that came in at 290 calories.
    and I have an apple and orange to finish before I leave the office.
    Now to figure out what's for dinner.
  • darciek1973
    darciek1973 Posts: 1 Member
    We share a wedding day and a weight loss goal! I've already lost 16 lbs and still have 24 to go to reach my goal weight of 135 lbs.

    I'm focussing on calories. I'm a truck driver so going to a gym isn't possible. Basically I'm watching portion sizes, cooking in my truck and walking as much as I can. Just quit smoking 2 weeks ago too so now I'm trying to work in some body weight exercise. We travel with our dogs too so that forces us to get out of the truck.

    Let's do this together and trade some wedding planning war stories along the way!!!

  • lariel69
    lariel69 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in!