Clingy baby and exercising



  • gettingsexybck007
    gettingsexybck007 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm so exhausted every day but I know any little bit helps so I force myself to do something. I will look in to YouTube videos to include baby. Carrying her in her carrier hurts my baby and walking the track is not an option right now due to the cold. Please add me I need all the motivation and support I can get.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I'm so exhausted every day but I know any little bit helps so I force myself to do something. I will look in to YouTube videos to include baby. Carrying her in her carrier hurts my baby and walking the track is not an option right now due to the cold. Please add me I need all the motivation and support I can get.

    Find a new carrier. Many carriers out there are just awful. After 3 kids and trying lots of carriers, I would suggest a mei tai or beco. By far more comfortable for both you and the baby than most other carriers.
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    Look for mom/baby exercise classes in your area! Lots of gyms offer them without you having to become a member of the gym. I just found a new one in my area that I am going to try on Friday - it's a baby-wearing TRX class! I've done StrollerStrides and yoga also, as well as a strength training class where you use your baby as weight. Look around, you might be surprised at what you find!
  • mccraee
    mccraee Posts: 199 Member
    My kids are teenagers so I don't know why I was ever reading this but I just want to give my advice which is to take it kind of easy on yourself while your baby is so small. If you're exhausted, then a nap for you is important and you should be relaxing when your baby is sleeping.

    I did have carriers and I think I had one of the first jogging strollers. Those things were lifesavers and eventually led to great bonding adventures for me and the kids. To start, you can put your baby in the carrier around the house, maybe at the grocery store or mall since it's cold outside. Nothing says you can't take an extra lap if you are feeling up to it and baby is happy in there.

    But, if you're exhausted, there is nothing wrong at this point with laying on the couch with your baby on your chest and getting some rest.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    When my kids were babies, we used a jogging stroller frequently...I also had a back pack they could sit in for day hiking...and of course, the bike trailer.

    I still use the bike trailer with my 3 y.o. and my 5 y.o. now has one of those pedal trailers so he can pedal along behind me.

    Going out with the kids and exercising is a great bonding experience all the way it illustrates good healthy habits and later on they tend to view this kind of stuff as "normal" daily kind of stuff.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    By six months babies often move to a backpack type carrier. It's easier on the adults back.

    Or use a stroller.
    How about a swing in the doorway for baby and you face her on the treadmill?

    or hand her to dad if he is there?
  • curlyslim
    curlyslim Posts: 64 Member
    There are lots of good ideas already, so I'll try not to repeat, but I have a 3 and 5 year old. And even they can be real pains when trying to work out.
    So, for my 5 year old, I wait for when she is at school, and the 3 year old gets time on the tablet. I find that this is the only way I can have a relatively good session with working out.

    Also, I find just carrying them and doing walks/lunges/squats/deadlifts/bicep curls/chest press/leg press/throwing them in the air and catching-ofcourse!/sit ups/and lots of other variations, will work whilst holding them too.
    Take it easy though, and just aim for being a little bit out of breath and warm.

    And slowly build up, maybe initially begin by focusing on your eating?
    Best of luck!
  • gettingsexybck007
    gettingsexybck007 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks!!! I googled stroller fit and baby boot camp and found a few. Not as close as I'd like but I will give them a try.
    Look for mom/baby exercise classes in your area! Lots of gyms offer them without you having to become a member of the gym. I just found a new one in my area that I am going to try on Friday - it's a baby-wearing TRX class! I've done StrollerStrides and yoga also, as well as a strength training class where you use your baby as weight. Look around, you might be surprised at what you find!

  • gettingsexybck007
    gettingsexybck007 Posts: 23 Member
    I really appreciate the tips!!!
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Look up babywearers international and see if there are local chapters near you. This will help you make sure your baby carrier is ergonomically safe for your baby, as well as, help you find a carrier/style to wearing that is very comfortable. This can allow you to wear baby while doing things you need to get done around house, and keep baby close to you. Also there are some exercises that allows you to wear baby while working out... (note: my only form of working out while wearing is walking). Some things to do with baby would be baby yoga, walking wearing or with stroller, jogging stroller so you can run (plus they tend to be heavy, so arm workout too!) I've heard of baby ballet. If baby is content with just being in the same room you could try workout videos through youtube, library, etc. Hope some of this helps!
  • crossfitknitter
    crossfitknitter Posts: 5 Member
    My 17 month old wants zero to do with a stroller OR a carrier, so I'm with you on finding it hard to make time to exercise. What worked for me in the past was to find a gym class that took place after my kid went to bed, so 7pm or later. Though I'm hardly consistent with going since at that point I just want to go to bed myself, i at least felt far less guilty leaving to go exercise - I don't miss dinner and being with my kid after being gone at work all day, and the husband is home to care for him if he ends up waking up while I'm gone.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I have 4 kids and my baby just turned 1. He went through a similar phase around that age! I have a good structured baby carrier (an ergo) that I would put him in to do workouts. My favorite was Leslie sansone's walk at home videos on YouTube. I didn't want to do anything with too much jumping when wearing him so those worked well. Most of the time he fell asleep while in there! Otherwise I tried planning my exercise time for his nap time. Doesn't always work when dealing with multiple children but I did my best. If you live in a warmer climate you can take walks while wearing the baby but I know it's like -15 out here so I am not able to do that lol.