Appetite suppresants-Which do you recommend?



  • michellechawner
    Protein and healthy fats - end of discussion
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Don't bother. If you feel like blowing money for zero results, just send it to me instead.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Good food and water suppress my appetite just fine. And maybe a cup of black coffee.

    Good food at meals, and when it's not real hunger, must wanting food.....a glass of cold water, a brisk walk, reading a book......
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    High fiber foods and lots of water

    Envision this as a lifestyle change not a diet. If you can't see yourself doing it the rest of your life then don't bother now. What I mean is if you take some sort of appetite suppressant medication, you'd better plan on taking it the rest of your life, otherwise you'll just put the weight back on once your appetite is no longer suppressed. If that makes sense.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Stay hydrated. Lots of no/low calorie liquids - it really helps!

    Exercise will kill appetite for a bit, and allow you to eat more in general so you don't get hungry so often.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    High fiber foods and lots of water

    Envision this as a lifestyle change not a diet. If you can't see yourself doing it the rest of your life then don't bother now. What I mean is if you take some sort of appetite suppressant medication, you'd better plan on taking it the rest of your life, otherwise you'll just put the weight back on once your appetite is no longer suppressed. If that makes sense.

    And people generally seem to develop a resistance to them anyway, so taking them for the rest of your life won't work either.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Legit question: what does an appetite suppressant teach you about eating?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    Trance music

    Absolutely!!! :) When it plays I have to dance or clean or something but I am not thinking about food :happy:
  • SmilinSue12
    SmilinSue12 Posts: 71 Member
    I recomend you read this article:
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    I'm one of those people who for about a year was looking for a solution in a bottle, I literally spent £100's trying to find the best fat burners and appetite suppressants. Didn't work, I still craved chocolate and sandwiches in high volume all day.

    What has actually worked? Ditching the process carbs, upping fat and sticking to a 90% paleo diet. Check out my diary. My stomach actually has a bottom now!
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I am going to take some time, maybe waste some breath and tell my story.

    I was 42 and 272 lbs. I went to my doctor and he handed me a 1200 calorie diet sheet. I knew that I couldn't do that. He also wrote me a prescription for Meridia, a diet pill. He told me it was like an anti-depressant, but that it boosted the metabolism.

    I took it and soon afterward started losing weight. I was his star patient. I lost weight every week.

    I went to him again because I was having a hard time sleeping and having panic attacks and he prescribed Xanax. I took Meridia first thing in the AM and Xanax at night.

    Within 8 months I had lost a hundred pounds. The last twenty came off slower. Here are before and after photos.


    Do I look healthy in the end? I was sick.

    I was having heart palpitations from the Meridia (which is speed and is off the market), I was one day from having surgery to have my gallbladder removed. Four weeks after the gallbladder surgery, somehow, I became pregnant. It was not a normal pregnancy (at age 44!) and I lost it and nearly bled to death. Afterward, I developed a 10 cm ovarian cyst, which required 8 months of hormone therapy to remove.

    I was addicted to xanax at that time. I was gaining back the weight at an average of ten pounds a month.

    In February of this year, I was at 294.6 pounds. After a bitter fight with my husband over my weight, I decided to do three things:

    1. Stop drinking calories (and no diet drinks)
    2. Stop eating fast food
    3. Get exercise EVERY day that I liked. I chose swimming

    Now it is three months and I have been on MFP for seventy days today (happy 70th to me!). I have lost thirty pounds.


    My diary is open and so is my blog. You can do this without suppressants. Exercise IS the best suppressant. Stop eating bread as a handle to your food. Stop drinking calories. Journal every bite.

    Good luck!! Friend me if you like, you and anyone else who is here to work it and change your freaking life.

    You can see some recent progress photos on my blog. I am only brave enough to post them from the back, but you can see the progress in three months.

  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Water. :drinker:
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I am going to take some time, maybe waste some breath and tell my story.

    I was 42 and 272 lbs. I went to my doctor and he handed me a 1200 calorie diet sheet. I knew that I couldn't do that. He also wrote me a prescription for Meridia, a diet pill. He told me it was like an anti-depressant, but that it boosted the metabolism.

    I took it and soon afterward started losing weight. I was his star patient. I lost weight every week.

    I went to him again because I was having a hard time sleeping and having panic attacks and he prescribed Xanax. I took Meridia first thing in the AM and Xanax at night.

    Within 8 months I had lost a hundred pounds. The last twenty came off slower. Here are before and after photos.


    Do I look healthy in the end? I was sick.

    I was having heart palpitations from the Meridia (which is speed and is off the market), I was one day from having surgery to have my gallbladder removed. Four weeks after the gallbladder surgery, somehow, I became pregnant. It was not a normal pregnancy (at age 44!) and I lost it and nearly bled to death. Afterward, I developed a 10 cm ovarian cyst, which required 8 months of hormone therapy to remove.

    I was addicted to xanax at that time. I was gaining back the weight at an average of ten pounds a month.

    In February of this year, I was at 294.6 pounds. After a bitter fight with my husband over my weight, I decided to do three things:

    1. Stop drinking calories (and no diet drinks)
    2. Stop eating fast food
    3. Get exercise EVERY day that I liked. I chose swimming

    Now it is three months and I have been on MFP for seventy days today (happy 70th to me!). I have lost thirty pounds.


    My diary is open and so is my blog. You can do this without suppressants. Exercise IS the best suppressant. Stop eating bread as a handle to your food. Stop drinking calories. Journal every bite.

    Good luck!! Friend me if you like, you and anyone else who is here to work it and change your freaking life.

    You can see some recent progress photos on my blog. I am only brave enough to post them from the back, but you can see the progress in three months.


    Bless you for sharing your story. At first I thought it was going to be telling about how great appetite suppressants are and I was worried. I'm so sorry for the difficulties, and for the loss you experienced.

    I really believe the best appetite suppressant is food and water. It's just how much and what kind of food that's the issue. If you want to eat like garbage and take pills (not that you did this, but many who take appetite suppressants still eat like crap) all you're learning how to do is eat like garbage and take pills. I worked Weight Watchers nine years ago and found every loophole there was. Lost 30 pounds eating at my proper "points" level. Except all I did was eat low cal garbage food. I learned nothing about nutrition, so it was completely unsustainable, FOR ME. I gained it all back, plus more. I know others with a different experience from Weight Watchers, so I'm not bad mouthing that eating style. I just knew for me the only way it was going to work and stick was to learn how to eat in a way I could envision eating for the rest of my life. And I really do believe I've found it.

    I wish you nothing but the best as you move toward the healthier you!
  • ncbeachprincess
    Good food and water suppress my appetite just fine. And maybe a cup of black coffee.

    coffee defiantly! but only for a short time :) but yummy foods a few times a day does the trick.

    I have to have my coffee every morning and it is definitely an appetite suppressant. The downfall for me is that I go hours without any food and then starvation (what feels like it), hits me and I try to eat whatever food I can find, and sometimes too much of it. So drink coffee in moderation, just as a filler, not as a replacement, like I do.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I have to have my coffee every morning and it is definitely an appetite suppressant. The downfall for me is that I go hours without any food and then starvation (what feels like it), hits me and I try to eat whatever food I can find, and sometimes too much of it. So drink coffee in moderation, just as a filler, not as a replacement, like I do.

    Maybe you should eat a protein bar with your morning coffee. Maybe it'd help balance put that suppressed appetite VS ravenous feelings.
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    I've heard that peanut butter suppresses the appetite. Drink a lot of water, and my grandmother used to tell me to eat something salty like pickles. Maybe the vinegar help to suppress appetite?
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
  • lilcassers
    lilcassers Posts: 163
    Just eat real food, you don't need appetite suppressants. I like to eat foods with a good amount of fat and protein, as they keep me full longer. Don't be afraid to eat!

    Check this out to help determine how much you can really eat


    Any "pill" that seems like it will make your progress better or easier is not going to work in the long run. They are not healthy. Don't focus on a "diet" but a permanent lifestyle change.

    I have 5 small meals per day. Tons of fruits and veggies, lean meats, protein shakes, shakeology, quest bars, almonds, and 1/2 my body weight in water, per day. There is not pill that will do for you what healthy eating and exercise will..

    When you begin to rev up your workouts, focus on interval training and constantly changing your routine. Your body responds best to muscle confusion.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    What works for me - eating an apple, because it has fiber i think. also someone said eggs help suppress your appetite (if you eat a couple of them it could make you feel full). Also water. Also, allowing yourself to feel hunger pangs and in about 10 minutes they pass. I've only been doing this a month so I dont know it all yet.

    If Im hungry at work, at 3:00 as usual, I get hungry and i have granola bars in my desk drawer to eat so that im not starving when i get home. it does take the edge off.

    is coffee REALLY an appetite suppressant? how does that work? and is it true?
  • KoRnKraZy
    KoRnKraZy Posts: 69 Member
    Green tea and water