Morning Vs Evening Workouts

Hi Everyone!

I have always worked out in the mornings fasted, just sipping on BCAA. I felt motivated and energized for the rest of the day. With a recent move I am unable to find a gym that is close enough that I can workout and make it into work on time. I stated working out after work but, I feel nauseous especially when I am doing cardio. I tried having my last meal a few hours before working out and I still feel drained and sluggish. Also, tried pre-workout which didn't do much for me either. So my question is... have any of you experienced the same thing? What helped/didn't? Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)


  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    If you could work out in the morning fasted, (what is BCAA?) have you tried working out when you get home, before dinner? Should have been several hours since lunch, reasonably fasted. Perhaps you need that BCAA in the evening, after work, before dinner to ease that drained sluggishness. Works on a fasted morning work out might work on a well past lunch workout. Just a guess.
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    I had the same feelings about working out in the evening and switched to early am workouts. What I used to do is eat something light at work before leaving. I gave my self about 2 hours to digest. Either went straight to the gym from work or stopped at home to change and go to the gym. But I would get home late and have to make dinner. Maybe premake your meals for the week so you dont have to cook when getting home from the gym.

    I would try to keep looking for a gym that opens early. Working out in the am gives you a ton more options for the day.

    BCAA's are not needed in the evening. Also used to use them. As long as you get good protein you get enough BCAA's from what I have learned. Preworkout is different...I need it in the morning.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I feel sluggish after work if I don't get cardio in at lunch, but other than that, no, I can workout AM, lunch, or PM with no problems (except for motivation for a PM workout when I didn't get cardio at lunch.)
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I can workout whenever. I used to do a morning and evening workout, but now I can't be fussed to get up 45 minutes early anymore. Maybe one day I can do that again, but for now, it's not necessary. I always worked out fasted in the morning, just water while working out. And I would have a light snack before leaving work, and then by the time I got home, I would change into my workout clothes and start working out immediately. So I was reasonably fasted then as well. Maybe check the time between your last meal and when you're working out.
  • tracefan
    tracefan Posts: 382 Member
    Well if the mornings always worked for you. then why not try to workout without the gym. Running outside, going for walks, biking Just a suggestion do you have a community center with a gym? Most gyms open at 5am good luck I hope you find what works for you. I personally need a morning gym routine or I will never go. When I was younger I needed to go after work. so weird how things changed. :) good luck
  • DrifterBear
    DrifterBear Posts: 265 Member
    I used to do everything in the evenings and would even go on 20 mile runs at 8pm. Now I get up at 445 and workout in the morning. When I was on an evening schedule, I never could imagine working out in the morning and now it's switched and I can't imagine getting up the energy after work. You can get used to a different schedule, just have to stick to it.