B12 Lipotropic Injections?

Hi, I'm new to all of this. I've been struggling with my weight since I was 17. I've tried dieting and always got discouraged. But after I saw the pictures of myself at my youngest child's Birthday party this month on the 2nd - I knew I had to do something! I weighed myself at 224 lbs. I started eating more vegetables,eggs and fish. And less Breads,pastas and sodas! From the 4th to the 19th I lost 3 lbs. Which I was totally excited about!But I wanted a jump start! A friend of mine told me about a local doctor who has a weight loss program so I gave it a go - I got a B12 Lipotropic injection and didn't change my eating habits or exercises every day and I lost 6 lbs my first week! I'm on my second week now.I was amazed! Still am! I've lost a total of 12 so far counting the 3 lbs I lost before the injections. I'm curious to meet others who have tried this and their results? And how long it lasts?


  • XtremelyBlessedd
    XtremelyBlessedd Posts: 3 Member
    I had my first shot today and was also given phentermine 37.5 for appetite suppression. I am excited on results . I also will cut out starches and eat more veggies and protien as Dr said. How are you now any more weight loss? Have you gotten another shot. I plan on getting 2 a week. With exercise and healthy eating I may be able to get this other person off of me...lol
  • I took the B12-Lipo shots for a month and logged everything on MFP and dropped 32 pounds. Had to stop as money was tight and have gained about 12 lbs. back. Can't wait till I can get back on them as I was never hungry and had all kinds of energy. Am looking into a place online to order them from called US Injectables.
  • michelleonamission
    michelleonamission Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, I have been taking the B12 lipo injections every week, and then started every other week. I have been doing this since April 2013 and following up with the physician at my weight loss facility and my regular family physician. I am working out hard and I have my days where my eating is horrible....sad! However, I stay at it and I keep going. The B12 helps my energy level and I get on the treadmill and push hard along with other workouts. Since April 5, 2013 I have lost 30+ pounds. My experience have been awesome. Good luck!
  • XtremelyBlessedd
    XtremelyBlessedd Posts: 3 Member
    That's amazing I am patiently awaiting my weight loss goal of 50 lbs . I am now 212 started @ 215. I had my first shot 2 days ago . I have worked out both days and kept my calorie intake under 1000 ,no sweets and no starch just protien and veggies. I lost 2 lbs already ....
  • XtremelyBlessedd
    XtremelyBlessedd Posts: 3 Member
    That's amazing I am patiently awaiting my weight loss goal of 50 lbs . I am now 212 started @ 215. I had my first shot 2 days ago . I have worked out both days and kept my calorie intake under 1000 ,no sweets and no starch just protien and veggies. I lost 2 lbs already ....
  • where do you guys get your b12 injections; did you buy it online or go to a doctor? how does the process work?
  • What about side effects to the B12 lipotropic injections? I've read of possible stomach upset and being very tired.... I thought B12 gave you energy. If there are side effects, are they just temporary? :smile:
  • has anyone maintained loss after doing this?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    has anyone maintained loss after doing this?

    The clinic my Doctor sent me to for a consultation has 2 doctors working there that went through the program themselves and are maintaining their weightloss through diet and exercise programs.

    At the Medical Weight Loss Clinic I was referred to you meet with the Doctor, get blood work done, EKG, dietician and a sports physiologist to get a program laid out that fits you and your lifestyle and goals.

    The Dietician I met with agreed with me on the Paleo lifestyle so I am doing Paleo keeping carb counts to 75-85 per day, getting in some yoga and walking for exercise and just got the first shot.

    I opted out of any of the appetite suppressants as I don't like prescription drugs and I don't need them as I don't eat nearly enough as it is apparently.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    That's amazing I am patiently awaiting my weight loss goal of 50 lbs . I am now 212 started @ 215. I had my first shot 2 days ago . I have worked out both days and kept my calorie intake under 1000 ,no sweets and no starch just protien and veggies. I lost 2 lbs already ....

    Why keep your calorie counts so low???
  • Iceylyons
    Iceylyons Posts: 86 Member
    Has anyone had problems with these shots and possible gallbladder attacks?
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    They can't be just using B12. I have to inject B12 as I can't digest it through my gastro system, and it's just a vitamin. Not being able to digest it can be deadly, so it's crucial and all (as are most vitamins), but there has to be more going on here.

    I'd be very afraid. Injectables for fat loss don't have a good track record for safety (well, they caused scarring and discoloration and permanent lumps, etc).

    My B12 shots don't even give me extra energy (and I take a lot to store in the muscle for use). They did at first, after becoming deathly ill from malabsorption, lol! Now, if you think you might be low on B12 or have a bit of malabsorption (quite possible), a nice sublingual tablet would probably do you very nicely. Just make sure your folate is normal first.

    Y'all be careful!
  • Got a Groupon for this and just went for my first appointment today. Got my shot and a prescription for Phentermine. Here we go!
  • I got my shots and phentermine yesterday. I feel pretty good today matter of fact I had a boost of energy earlier and got a lot of work done:happy: Curious to see if this is working for all of you???
  • I took my first shot yesterday. I'm 54 and my cycle has stopped the last 6 months. This morning I spotted but nothing much at all. I have not started my prescription yet but will today. I'll keep you posted. I plan on making this work but staying healthy in the process. I am under doctors supervision from clinic. I'll let you all know my progress.
  • Does anyone know of a good place where I can get them in Austin for a good price? Is it better to use phentermine with them? I tired looking on Groupon but I didn't find anything.
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    what are b12 lipotropic shots?
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Thanks for necroing an obvious marketing thread =P
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    Need to come back