Any other women with PCOS trying to change their life?



  • KatEmmaMarie
    KatEmmaMarie Posts: 64 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS back in February of 2015 when I went to the doctor because I wasn't getting my period for 3 months straight after coming off BCP. My husband and I are trying to conceive but we're having major problems. I used to be just under 200 pounds about 4 years ago and woke up one day determined to make a change. This was all before I knew anything about PCOS, I just wanted to finally be happier and healthier. I lost the weight and have kept most of it (I gained about 15 pounds 2 years ago and finally decided to get it off) off this whole time. Since I have annovulatory cycles and clomid wasn't working, I was finally put on metformin to regulate. It seemed to be working for 2 months but now my cycles have lengthened again. It's definitely a struggle. I also suffer from depression so it's like a double whammy! I am here to re-lose those last 15 pounds (it's actually only 8 now!) and to get a better grasp on my mental health again and hopefully doing all this will help with the burden of trying to conceive. If anyone would like to add me as a friend, that would be great. I'd love to have more friends who are going through the same thing with PCOS.
  • riedlmisty
    riedlmisty Posts: 6 Member
    Good for you on the weight loss! Sorry to hear about your problems with conceiving. Hang in there. What is meant to be will be.
  • emilyobrien73
    emilyobrien73 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello all,
    I was diagnosed in early December with PCOS. I've started to work out and eat better as well. I've been overweight my entire life. I know it won't come off in a month, but I feel like I'm climbing a never ending mountain. When I have completed a great week of staying on track and exercising, I step on the scale and I gained 2 pounds. I don't understand and I'm getting angry! I know the solution will take time but, I can't keep being pushed further back.
    Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    I have lean PCOS. I was diagnosed officially in 2013 after having recurrent miscarriages. But I'd suspected I had it since my early 20's. I had severe acne, hair showing up in weird places and my period was always late when I was getting it..(35 to 50 day cycles) ....or would go AWOL for like 8 months.

    I've never really been overweight except during pregnancy and I was slightly overweight or high end of normal BMI for the year after my son was born. Before my son I had 2 back to back miscarriages. Took Clomid to concieve my son. Then had another miscarriage when he was 14 months old in October 2015. This time it was twins...conceived without Clomid.

    After the most recent miscarriage I decided to lose the baby weight from my DS and eat healthy and take supplements to help improve my egg quality (CoQ10 and myo-inositol). I'm eating more balanced, not specifically low carb but lower carb and higher fat and protein. Also whenever I have carbs I true to pair them with adequate amounts of protein so they don't cause my blood sugar to spike and keeps insulin levels lower.

    I've lost 15lbs and I'm back down to my wedding day weight. Ready to try again with Clomid.

  • Anyone with PCOS or suffering from infertility please feel free to add me!! =)
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    edited January 2016
    Cfirsdon wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    Honestly, other than fertility struggles, which was a big issue (and those of us who have managed to have kids officially have a "mild" problem), I do not see PCOS as a problem, now that I am done with pregnancies. Pregancies were hard, getting pregnant was hard, carrying to term was hard, I had gestational diabetes, but now this phase of my life is over, it is something I do not even notice any more. Hirsuitism is a problem, but not something really serious in the big picture of health problems one could have, and I wish I would not accumulate every tiny bit of fat on my belly and nowhere else, but again, not something I would really consider serious.

    It goes beyond being able to carry children. Untreated here's a part of the laundry list of issues we can get:
    Type 2 diabetes
    High blood pressure
    Cholesterol and lipid abnormalities, such as elevated triglycerides or low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the "good" cholesterol
    Metabolic syndrome — a cluster of signs and symptoms that indicate a significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease
    Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis — a severe liver inflammation caused by fat accumulation in the liver
    Sleep apnea
    Depression and anxiety
    Abnormal uterine bleeding
    Cancer of the uterine lining (endometrial cancer), caused by exposure to continuous high levels of estrogen
    Not to mention those cysts can rupture

    There is no treatment for PCOS. There are lifestyle changes which can control symptoms (I know for myself that I have symptoms as soon as I hit the normal to upper range of healthy BMI, am mostly ok below this, or reduce physical activity) and there are medications to treat symptoms.
    Most (not all) of the above mentioned issues are related to obesity. A lifestyle change will solve these.
  • aSearch4Me
    aSearch4Me Posts: 397 Member
    I also have PCOS (diagnosed last summer due to fertility issues & irregular periods), and am currently on a weight loss journey that includes taking metformin to regulate cycles. I'd love more friends on here with PCOS, so feel free to add me.

    Also, in case anyone else is interested, there's a great PCOS group on here. If you search back through the message threads there are all sorts of discussions about a lot of the major issues, questions, etc.
  • emneal424
    emneal424 Posts: 3 Member
    I too have PCOS and's a struggle to say the least. I'm currently trying a high protein diet to see if it helps me at all. I am desperate to have a cycle on my own so that I may have a chance to conceive. Has anyone had any success with any of the "fad" diets out? Numerous doctors have told me the only way to lose the weight is surgery. I hope this is not true. At the most I weighed 325 and now I'm down to 268 but the weight is taking forever to drop.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    emneal424 wrote: »
    I too have PCOS and's a struggle to say the least. I'm currently trying a high protein diet to see if it helps me at all. I am desperate to have a cycle on my own so that I may have a chance to conceive. Has anyone had any success with any of the "fad" diets out? Numerous doctors have told me the only way to lose the weight is surgery. I hope this is not true. At the most I weighed 325 and now I'm down to 268 but the weight is taking forever to drop.

    PCOS is not the cause of the weight. Going down to a normal weight, will help with both fertility and being able to carry to term, so do not worry. You have lost more than 50 lbs and think this is not good? It should not happen fast, you are looking not at just losing weight but maintaining the weight loss. Stay positive and be patient, it sounds like you are doing great.
  • pdr8993
    pdr8993 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 26 and I was diagnosed with PCOS officially in Summer of 2012. In highschool I always stayed active and ate basically whatever I wanted. At 15 I went on birth control for severe periods and the intense pain they caused me. My periods would completely cripple me. The first month alone I gained 16 pounds. My personal belief is that this is what derailed my hormones.

    Months and years later of steady weight gain (and absolutely no weight loss), I hit 230. I usually hovered around 150 before. Finally my sister in law was pretty certain I had PCOS due to my symptoms and urged me to get checked out. I was lucky enough to have a great GYN doctor who also has it. She immediately sent me for blood tests and glucose testing. Sure enough, I had every symptom, testosterone levels were too high, glucose test measured my sugar about 10 points too high after drinking the solution and coming back two hours later. I was put on Metformin and lost about 10 pounds the first month.

    I take Metformin 850 2x daily with meals and 100 mg of Spironolactone to lower testosterone, as well as Metoperol 50 mg for blood pressure. Until November 2015, I took birth control but have since stopped. Not trying to get pregnant but I want my hormone levels to balance out on their own. Being on them caused my libido to taper off gradually until it no longer existed.

    Weight loss is now possible with the medications, however I'm back up to about 230 after maintaining 220 with no effort. It really sucks to be sitting here at 230 after finding out I have PCOS. Wish I had caught it 85 pounds ago!! Trying to finally get this weight off for good, I've always been sick of being overweight because inside I feel like my old fit self, but now I literally can't stand it anymore. I'm tired of hiding behind black clothes, and hiding from the camera.
  • GeekdGirl
    GeekdGirl Posts: 218 Member
    edited January 2016
    I have PCOS (ignored the symptoms for years). It developed into endometrial cancer almost 3 years ago (I was 30 years old at diagnosis). Had to have emergency radical hysterectomy. After the surgery, I still have PCOS (how much does it suck to have PCOS but no ovaries, lol) but I manage the symptoms without any medication. My cancer is in remission as well. Feel free to add me ladies. I don't mind chatting :) Stay healthy
  • GeekdGirl
    GeekdGirl Posts: 218 Member
    Also, at my heaviest I was close to 250 lbs. I'm at about 160 now. Lost the weight through diet and exercise... I had PCOS that whole time and never took medication (didn't know I had it until the cancer, then I couldn't take it because of the cancer so nothing against you lovely ladies taking it!). It's possible to lose the weight without surgery. Low carb, high protein diet worked wonders for me.
  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    edited January 2016
    Sadly my Doctor never actually diagnosed me... just told me that if it was PCOS he would treat it with Metformin...

    Didn't see the doctor for 3 months, worked out like crazy and ate at a calorie deficit... lost about 45lbs and became pregnant... Didn't know I was pregnant until 12 weeks along (had lost 66lbs by that point) when I was sick every day and had taken 3 home tests with an negative response...

    Went to the ER because I was sick of being sick and someone was going to tell me what was wrong with me... Pregnancy!

    After baby boy gets here I am ready to start back at my weight loss and see if that brings my periods back to normal or if there truly is a diagnosis for whatever this problem is.
  • jacuspator
    jacuspator Posts: 7 Member
    I kept gaining weight like crazy and went to a dietician specifically for pcos and got on a diabetic plan that has worked for me without deleting carbs from my diet. I can have 3 meals at 30 carbs each and 2 snacks at 15 carbs each, with 2 hours between each meal or snack. With exercise, I lost 40 lbs in 4 months. It's basically the 40/30/30 diet. 40% carbs instead of 50 but it makes a huge difference. Also I use for weightwatcher recipes.
  • hsmith0930
    hsmith0930 Posts: 160 Member
    PCOS here. I find that I lose weight relatively quickly and easily when I eat low carb, and that it also helps me to ovulate somewhat regularly. Just stinks, because if I have any kind grain-based carb (oatmeal, bread, etc) I get super cravings to eat every carb in the house. Hard to ignore it, even if I'm not hungry.
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    I also have PCOS and don't have many symptoms except overweight/obese and no periods. My blood work looks good so I am not IR. I am very frustrated with not having a regular cycle. I don't get a period without progesterone or being on the pill, which I stopped taking. I don't want to take Metformin because I don't see why I need a medication for IR if I don't actually have that problem.
  • BerttiBott
    BerttiBott Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a normal weight (BMI 19) and quite fit, but I've struggled with irregular menses, excessive body hair, no libido, and blood sugar swings for years now. A blood test recorded high liver enzymes for a period of time but it subsided before the cause was determined. I've had testosterone examined once on the suspicion of having this condition, but the result was in the normal range as were all other female reproductive hormones. What gives?