Hello from Kingston, Ontario!!

Hello all! I'm Skippy and I started using this app/website about 28 days ago. Thanks to all the staff behind this website/app, its helped me tremendously in my journey to be 40-50 pounds lighter... I'm not sure how much I want to lose but I do know, I want my "pre-marriage, pre-kids, pre-smoking, pre-pothead and pre-party and drinking days abs and sporting fitness level back. I'm tired of being fat, lazy and tired all the time. I figure about 40-50 pounds ought to do it.

So far, I've quit smoking in November 2012, after 22 years, been "clean" since December 2012 after 20 years and I've gained almost 30 pounds quitting. Sorry all, just making myself accountable for my actions..... I've even quit caffeine 30 days ago.....

Since I've gotten sick of being the way I was, I'm 28 days into Beach body insanity and my new way of life. While I've lost 13 pounds this month, I can now make a 12km bike ride into work in around 30 mins without stopping! (the first ride into work BTW took me 56 minutes....)

Thanks again to all the staff who are involved with this site and app, I wouldnt have gotten this far without it. :)


  • SmilinSue12
    SmilinSue12 Posts: 71 Member
    From Montreal. Living with huby in CA. Feel free to add me if you like...